Creating a Virtual Product

In Liferay Commerce, a Virtual Product is any non-tangible product that can be downloaded by customers. Examples include videos, electronic publications, warranties, and service contracts. Like other Product types, they are assigned inventory and can be sold individually, or as part of a Product bundle or Grouped Product. For Virtual Products, you can also determine the download’s terms of use, duration of availability, maximum number of customer downloads, and whether there’s a download sample.


Virtual Products are downloadable digital assets and cannot be shipped. The product becomes available to the customer in the Product Downloads widget based on the configured Activation Status. See Using the Product Downloads Widget for more information.

Creating Virtual Products

Follow these steps to create a Virtual Product:

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), click on the Commerce tab, and go to Product ManagementProducts.

  2. Click the Add button(Add icon), and select Virtual.

  3. Enter a name and select the desired Catalog.

  4. Click Submit when finished.

Once a Virtual Product is created, you’ll need to associate it with the desired digital assets, set its SKU’s base price, and assign it inventory before it can be purchased by customers.

Configuring Virtual Products

Besides standard Product details (e.g., Specifications, Options, SKUs), Virtual Products include unique settings. Follow these steps to configure unique Virtual Product settings:

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), click on the Commerce tab, and go to Product ManagementProducts.

  2. Click on an existing Virtual Product.

  3. Click on the Virtual sub-tab.

    Configure unique Virtual Product settings in the Virtual sub-tab.

  4. Under Details, enter a URL or select a file to determine which digital asset is used for the Product’s download.

  5. Under Basic Information, configure the following settings:

    • Activation Status: Set the Activation Status for the download. This determines the order stage at which the asset becomes available to download (i.e., Completed, Pending, or Processing).

    • Duration: Set the number of days customers keep access to the file; leaving this field 0 grants users unlimited access.

    • Max Number of Downloads: Set the maximum number of times that customers can download the digital asset.

  6. Under Sample, determine whether the Product has an associated sample download. If enabled, enter a URL or select the file used for sample downloads.

  7. Under Terms of Use, determine whether the Product has a Terms of Use. If enabled, select from available Web Content, or enter your own text using the provided text editor.

    Enter the details for the Virtual Product.

  8. Click Save when finished.

For more information about each field, see the Virtual Product Reference article. Also, see general Products documentation for additional configuration settings.

Commerce 2.1 and Below

  1. Navigate to Control PanelCommerceProducts.
  2. Click the Add button(Add icon), then select Virtual.
  3. Enter the following:
    • Catalog:
    • Name: 3 Year Warranty
    • Short Description: 3 Year Warranty
    • Full Description: 3 Year Warranty for all products purchased on
    • Friendly URL: (auto-generated)
    • Meta Title: 3 Year Warranty
    • Meta Description: 3 Year Warranty for all products
    • Meta Keywords: warranty, goods, year
  4. Click Publish.

Once this Virtual Product has been created, store administrators need to associate the digital assets and terms of use with the product.

Set Virtual Product Details

  1. Click the Virtual sub-tab to continue.

    The Virtual sub-tab is used to configure the Virtual Product.

  2. Enter the following:

    • Insert the URL or select a file of your virtual product.: Upload warranty.pdf
    • Activation Status: Completed
    • Duration: 0
    • Max Number of Downloads: 0
    • Enable Sample: unchecked
    • Enable Terms of Use: No

    Enter the details for the Virtual Product.

  3. Click Save.

For more information about each field, see the Virtual Product Reference article.

Set Prices and Quantities

To set product prices and quantities:

  1. Click the SKU tab.
  2. Click the 3-dot icon → Edit, for the default SKU.
  3. Click Pricing on the left menu.
  4. Enter the following:
    • Price: 12.00
    • Promo Price: 0.00
    • Cost: 0.00
  5. Click Save. (If Promo Price and Cost fields are left as 0.00, no discounts or promotions are applied at this point.)
  6. Click Price List to apply this product to any existing Price Lists.
  7. To set inventory, click the Inventory sub-tab and set the appropriate quantities in each warehouse. Click the Save button for every warehouse that is updated.

To learn more about pricing see: Introduction to Pricing

To learn how to configure inventory for your product, see: Setting Inventory by Warehouse.

Once you have set the product’s price and SKUs, see the sections above on how to add Product Options, Specifications or upload Product Images.





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