
To use PayPal as a payment method in your store, you must have a merchant ID and also generate a PayPal client ID and client secret. Visit the PayPal Developer Dashboard for more information. Once you have the required details,

  1. Open the Global Menu (Applications Menu icon) and navigate to CommerceChannels.

  2. Select the channel and scroll down to the Payment Methods section.

  3. Click PayPal.

  4. Use the Active toggle to activate the payment method and click Save. Two new tabs for Eligibility and Configuration appear.

  5. Go to Configuration.

  6. Enter the details from your PayPal Developer Dashboard for the Client ID, Client Secret, and Merchant ID fields.

  7. In the Mode drop-down, select Live if it’s a live site or Sandbox if it’s a test environment.


The Merchant ID field is only available for business accounts in PayPal.

  1. Click Save.

PayPal is now enabled for your store.

PayPal Subscriptions

To use subscriptions with PayPal, you must activate the PayPal Subscriptions payment method.

  1. Open the Global Menu (Applications Menu icon) and navigate to CommerceChannels.

  2. Select the channel and scroll down to the Payment Methods section.

  3. Click PayPal Subscriptions.

  4. Use the Active toggle to activate the payment method and click Save. Two new tabs for Eligibility and Configuration appear.

  5. Go to Configuration.

  6. In the Mode drop-down, select Live if it’s a live site or Sandbox if it’s a test environment.

  7. Liferay DXP 7.4 U3+/GA7+ In the Request Details drop-down, select Request Details Full or Request Details Minimal (see below).

  8. In the Payment Attempts Max Count field, enter the number of attempts to make payment on a subscription before canceling the subscription.

  9. Click Save.

Request Details Full: Sends a complete request required for the payment contract mapped to PayPal’s PurchaseUnitRequest.

Request Details Minimal: Sends a minimal request required for the payment contract mapped to PayPal’s PurchaseUnitRequest.



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