Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal GA120+
Liferay provides a client extension that integrates with Stripe. It uses the payment integration client extension as a base. See Configuring Payment Methods to read more about the payment methods available out-of-the-box with Liferay.
Currently, the Stripe client extension is only compatible with Liferay SaaS.
Install the Stripe Client Extension
Log into your Liferay account at
Search for
Liferay Commerce Connector to Stripe
and select it. -
Click Get App.
Select your account and check the box to confirm you’ve read the End User License Agreement and the Terms of Service.
Click Get App.
The app is ready for provisioning. Click Continue to Install to go the app’s App Provisioning page. Click Actions (
) → Install. You can also install the app by selecting View Details → Install.
This page also has a Details tab where you can view the order details.
Select a project from the list. You cannot select projects that don’t have enough resources.
Choose an environment. You must have an environment that has an
prefix. -
Click Install.
Log in as an administrator and verify that the OAuth Application User Agent was added to Liferay. Open the Global Menu (
) and go to Control Panel → OAuth2 Administration.
Verifying the Addition of Stripe as a Payment Method
Open the Global Menu (
) and go to Control Panel → Sites.
Add a new Minium site.
Now, open the Global Menu (
) and go to Commerce → Channels.
Select Minium Portal and scroll down to the Payment Methods section. Verify the addition of Stripe as a new payment method here. It is inactive by default.
Select the new payment integration and activate it using the Active toggle.
Click Save. Two new tabs, Eligibility and Configuration, appear for the payment integration.
The configuration tab contains an input field. You must enter an API key that you can obtain from your Stripe Dashboard.
You can go to the Eligibility tab to select specific order types or payment terms to be eligible for the payment integration. By default, it is eligible for all order types and payment terms.
Click Save.
Open the site and use the account selector to create a new account.
Add a few items to your cart.
Open the mini cart and click Submit. This starts the checkout flow.
Continue checking out until you reach the order summary page. Click Continue to redirect to Stripe. Enter the necessary details and click Pay. After confirming payment, you’re automatically redirected back to Liferay. Open the Global Menu (
) and go to Commerce → Payments to verify the payment’s completion.
The above flow uses Stripe’s test mode. Stripe provides numerous test card numbers to replicate different payment scenarios. See How to use test cards for more information.