Managing Payment Methods

Payment methods in Liferay Commerce scoped by channel and store site. If a Liferay Commerce instance has more than one storefront hosted on the same instance, administrators can use different payment methods on each site.

To manage payment methods, navigate to the Control PanelCommerceChannels.

Commerce 2.1 Channels

Select the desired channel then click Edit for the payment method for this store site.

Payment Methods page

Once the selected payment method is active, configure the payment method with your values.

Configuring a Payment Method

Configuring a payment method

Details Tab

Each details screen contains fields that determine how the payment method is rendered in the Checkout widget.

NameName of the Payment Method
DescriptionShort description of the payment method
IconUpload a small image or logo to represent the payment method
PriorityDetermines the order in which the payment method is displayed in the checkout process; lower numbers are displayed higher
ActiveSwitch the toggle to activate or deactivate a payment method

Configuration Tab

The Configuration tab for a payment method is where the store administrator configures the integration for a payment method with the store.

See the corresponding articles to learn how to activate each payment method:

Commerce 2.0 and Below

On previous versions of Liferay Commerce, payment methods are scoped by store site.

To manage payment methods in Commerce 2.0 and below, navigate to Site AdministrationCommerceSettings.

Payment Methods page

Select the Payment Methods tab.

Payment Methods page

Details Tab (2.0)

Configuring a payment method

Restrictions Tab (2.0)

A restriction deactivates a payment method for buyers in specified countries.

Setting payment method restrictions



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