Creating a Grouped Product

In Liferay Commerce, a Grouped Product consists of two or more Products from a Catalog that are sold together as a pre-defined set, either for customer convenience or to offer a special price. Grouped Products are tracked in inventory and can include any type of Products (i.e., Simple, Grouped, Virtual). For example, consider a wholesale furniture distributor. While furniture items can be purchased separately, the distributor can group related products together into a furniture set, either for customer convenience, or to offer special deals.

To get started, create a Grouped Product and add new Product entries to it. Then, configure the Grouped Product and SKU.


In addition to Grouped Products, Liferay Commerce supports the creation of Product bundles using Product Options. With Options, you can define values that link the current Product to other SKUs to be purchased together. The final price is calculated based on the Option’s configuration. See Creating Product Bundles and Product Options for more information.


Before creating a Grouped Product, ensure you’ve already generated all of the SKUs you want to group together. At minimum, each SKU should have a set base price and sufficient inventory.

Create a Grouped Product

Follow these steps to create a Grouped Product:

  1. Open the Global Menu, click on the Commerce tab, and go to Product ManagementProducts.

  2. Click the Add button (Add icon), and select Grouped.

  3. Enter a name, and select the desired Catalog.

  4. Click Submit.

This creates a new Grouped Product entity in the selected Catalog with a single SKU, default. Grouped Products can be configured in the same way as other Product types (e.g., SEO, Options, Inventory Rules). See Product Configuration Reference for more information about general Product settings.

Configure the Grouped Product.

Adding Product Entries

Follow these steps to add entries to the Grouped Product:

  1. Click on the Grouped tab.

  2. Click the Add button (Add Button), and select the desired Product entries.

  3. When finished, click Add.

The selected Product entries are immediately associated with the Grouped Product and are listed in the Grouped tab. You can edit each entry to determine its quantity and priority.

View associated Product entries in the Grouped tab, and determine their quantity and priority.

Once you’ve created the Grouped Product and associated other Products with it, set a base price for the default SKU to make it available for purchase. This price is used in place of each Product’s individual price.

Commerce 2.1 and Below

  1. Navigate to Control PanelCommerceProducts.
  2. Click the Add (Add icon) button then Grouped.
  3. Enter the following:
    • Catalog:
    • Name: Brakes Set Combo Kit
    • Short Description: Brakes Set Combo Kit
    • Friendly URL: (auto-generated)
    • Meta Title: Brakes Set Combo Kit
  4. Click Publish.

Once the Grouped Product entity has been initially created, store administrators must associate the individual Products to the Grouped Product entry.

Associate Products in Group

  1. Click the Grouped sub-tab.

    The Grouped sub-tab lets the user group Products together.

  2. Click the (Add icon) button to add a Grouped Entry.

  3. Select the following products: Brake Fluid, Brake Pads, and Brake Rotors.

  4. Click Add.

    Select the Products to be added to the Grouped Product.

Next, specify the priority (the order in which they are displayed), and the quantity sold in each package. Click the 3-dot icon then Edit next to any of the products.

Configure the Grouped Product's Priority.

In the image above, the Product has been given priority 1.0 which means it’s listed first. Assign incremental values to the other Products.

The Product Priority decides the order of the Products within a Grouped Product with lower values appearing first.

Once the Products have been grouped, follow the sections above to add Product Options, Generate SKUs, and set the prices. In addition, see the above sections on how to add Product Options, Specifications or upload Product Images.

Setting Prices and Quantities on Liferay Commerce 2.0 and Below

To set prices and quantities for a Grouped Product,

  1. Click the SKU tab.

  2. Click the 3-dot icon then Edit next to default. (At this point, you can rename the SKU to something more descriptive like Brakes Set Combo Kit on the Details menu.)

  3. Click Pricing on the left menu.

  4. Enter the following:

    • Price: 89.99

    • Promo Price: 0.00

    • Cost: 0.00

      Configure the Grouped Product's Pricing.

  5. Click Save. (If Promo Price and Cost fields are left as 0.00, no discounts or promotions are applied at this point.)

  6. Click Price List to apply this product to any existing Price Lists.





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