
There are four types of definitions:

  • Individuals: attributes of individuals accessing your site
  • Events: default and custom actions that happen on your site
  • Event Attributes: metadata that provides context for events
  • Search Query Parameters: URL parameters for search


The data model for individuals is defined by the various attributes that get mapped when contact data is synced from DXP.

To view a list of these attributes, navigate to SettingsWorkspace DataDefinitionsIndividuals.

A list of attributes appears for individuals.

All the different attributes for individuals appear here. Some attributes may be defined by more than one data source.

You can choose specific attributes for creating segments or creating a specific breakdown for individuals.


Analytics Cloud tracks default and custom events that occur on your DXP instance. To view and manage how these events are defined, navigate to SettingsWorkspace DataDefinitionsEvents.

View the default and custom events as well as their attributes in settings.

Default Events

There are several default events that can be analyzed as soon as you have connected your DXP instance to Analytics Cloud. Click on the Default Events tab to see all the events that are available out of the box.

Click on a default event to see the specific attributes that are associated with that event.

Click on a default event and see all its attributes.

The attributes are presented in a list with the following properties:

  • Attribute Name
  • Display Name
  • Description
  • Sample Raw Data
  • Data Typecast

A sample JavaScript snippet is also provided to serve as a template for defining custom events. Check or uncheck the attributes you need and click the Copy button to copy the code snippet.

Hiding Events

You can choose to hide or show specific events. Hiding an event removes the option from the Events Analysis tool and hides the visibility of the data. Different events are used to calculate different metrics. Choose to hide or show events based on your business needs.

To hide an event, locate the specific event and click the Hide icon (Hide icon) on the right of the event name. Click Hide in the pop-up window to confirm your decision.

To unhide an event, locate the specific event and click the Show icon (Show icon) on the right of the event name.

Note, only administrators can hide or show events.

Custom Events

Custom events are a useful way to define and track events that are specific to your business needs. For example, you might track a form on your site that customers use to make payments. Once the specific event is defined and configured on your site, Analytics Cloud collects data for the event. See Tracking Events to learn more.

Click on the Custom Events tab to see all the events that have been defined and are being tracked. Note that there is a limit of 100 custom events that can be tracked at any given time.

Custom Event Definition

Click on a custom event to see the specific attributes that are associated with that event.

Click on a custom event and see all its attributes.

The attributes are presented in a list with the following properties:

  • Attribute Name
  • Display Name
  • Description
  • Sample Raw Data
  • Data Typecast

The image above shows an example of how a custom event might track attributes such as payment type, total amount, and whether autopay was selected.

Click the Edit button to edit the Display Name or Description of the custom event.

Block List

Analytics Cloud currently supports up to 100 custom events. Additional custom events beyond 100 are automatically added to the Block List. Any custom event that is in this block list is an event that is not tracked or processed by Analytics Cloud. To see the list of blocked events, click Block List under the Custom Events tab.

To unblock a custom event from the Block List, check the box next to the event and click Unblock Events. Or click the unblock icon (unblock icon) to the right of the event name.

Select a custom event and click Unblock Events.

To block a custom event, from the Custom Events tab check the box next to the event and click Block Events. Or click the block icon (block icon) to the right of the event name.

Event Attributes

Event attributes are the metadata that provide context for events. Different attributes are associated with default and custom events. Global attributes are attributes that are associated with all types of events. Other attributes may only be associated with certain types of events. To view and manage event attributes, navigate to SettingsWorkspace DataDefinitionsEvent Attributes.

  1. Choose a specific attribute under the Global Attributes tab or the Attributes tab. Use the search bar to find a particular attribute.

    Select or search for a specific event attribute.

  2. Click an attribute to see more details. The Sample Raw Data column shows recent data of that particular attribute. The Last Seen column shows when the attribute was last seen.

    View the details of a particular attribute.

  3. Click the Edit button to edit the Display Name, Description, or Default Data Typecast of the attribute.

    Click the Edit button to make changes to the event attribute.

    The following data typecasts are available: Boolean, Date, Duration, Number, and String. Analytics Cloud automatically tries to detect and cast the datatype based on the first data collected for that attribute. Make changes to the typecast if necessary.

Search Query Parameters

The search query parameter can vary from site to site. For example, a URL might look like where s is the parameter, or where search is the parameter. You can define up to five search query parameters in settings.

Add up to five search query parameters.

Navigate to SettingsWorkspace DataDefinitionsSearch. Enter the parameter into the text field. Click + to add additional parameters. Click the trash icon (trash icon) to delete a parameter.



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