Exporting Assets List To a Spreadsheet

The Content Dashboard can export a spreadsheet (.xls file) of content related metadata for further analysis.

To export the asset list to a spreadsheet,

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigate to ApplicationsContent Dashboard.

  2. Click Export XLS to download the asset list.

Click the Export XLS button to begin the export process.

While generating the file, Export XLS is replaced with a status and a cancel button for the export process. If you click Cancel Export, the export process stops and shows a message: XLS generation was canceled.

When the export process is complete, the status shows the message: XLS Generated.

Once the export process begins, it can be canceled by clicking Cancel Export.

Note that navigating away from the page while the .xls file is being generated stops the export process. The system prompts you before leaving the page.

A prompt appears to confirm navigating away from the page while an export is being processed.

XLS File Content

All metadata is exported from contents and documents, so the .xls file contains the following columns:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Type
  • Subtype
  • Site or Asset Library
  • Status
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Modified Date
  • Review Date
  • Description
  • Extension
  • File Name
  • Size
  • Display Date
  • Creation Date
  • Languages Translated Into

The available metadata present in the .xls file affects content types. For example, an image will not display anything for Languages Translated Into, as an image cannot be translated.



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