Accessing EE Plugins During a Trial Period

If you are evaluating DXP during a trial period, you can access certain EE plugins.

Here are the steps:

  1. In the Control Panel, navigate to AppsStore.

  2. Sign in with your account.


    Purchasing apps requires that you have a account and agree to the Marketplace Terms of Use.

  3. Once signed into the Store, click on the Purchased link, and then click on the EE tab.

A list of EE plugins appears. During your trial period, you can access and use these DXP EE plugins.


During your trial period, plugin management for EE plugins is only available in the Control Panel; the Purchased -> EE tab on the Marketplace website becomes available only after you’ve purchased an enterprise subscription.


EE plugin source code is only available to you after you get an official enterprise subscription.



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