Configuring the Asset Recycle Bin for Sites

The recycle bin stores content and assets that have been flagged for deletion, before they are permanently removed from the system. This functionality can be enabled globally by default and can be configured on a per-site basis. See the Recycle Bin section for more information on the recycle bin.


If you disable the recycle bin for a site, the content and assets deleted in the site are permanently deleted.

Configuring the Recycle Bin for Sites

  1. Access the Recycle Bin option:

    • In Liferay DXP 7.4+

      1. From the Site Menu, go to ConfigurationSite Settings.

      2. In the Content and Data section, click Recycle Bin.

        In Liferay DXP 7.4+, change the Recycle Bin options from the Site Settings section.

    • In previous Liferay DXP versions

      1. From the Site Menu, go to ConfigurationSettings.

      2. Under the Advanced area, expand the Recycle Bin section.

        In previous Liferay DXP versions, change the Recycle Bin options from the Settings section.

  2. Toggle Enable Recycle Bin to enable or disable the recycle bin for the site.

  3. Optionally, provide a value (in minutes) in the Trash Entries Max Age field to specify how long the recycled assets should remain in the recycle bin before permanent deletion.

  4. Click Save.



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