Using a Widget Template Example

Widget Templates are great tools for customizing how widgets look and feel on your site.

This example shows changing the default configuration of the Media Gallery widget to use a Carousel widget template.

Add images to the Media Gallery widget to customize your Liferay experience.

  1. If you don’t already have images in your Documents and Media, add some images to Documents and Media. Open the Product Menu and go to Site Builder → Pages. Then go to Content and Data, click on Documents and MediaAdd (Add) to select files to upload.

    Select the files to display in documents and media.

  2. Add the Media Gallery widget to an existing page on your site. Click Add (Add) → WidgetsContent ManagementMedia GalleryPublish.

    Go to Content and Management in the Widgets section to add the Media Gallery.

  3. Navigate to the widget menu (Actions) → ConfigurationDisplay Template. Change the display template to Carousel.

    The Media Gallery configuration screen.

The widget now uses a carousel display template.

The Media Gallery configuration screen shows changing templates.



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