Upgrade Report

Available 7.4+

When you perform upgrades, it is important to know the changes made and any issues that occurred. The upgrade report captures this information in a report that include these details:

  • Execution date and time
  • Total execution time of the upgrade
  • Initial, expected, and final DXP/Portal schema versions and build numbers
  • Type of upgrade that has taken place (i.e. No upgrade, Major, Minor, or Micro)
  • The upgrade status (i.e. Success, Failure, or Unresolved)
  • Result of the release manager OSGi check command. This lists any pending upgrades that have not been applied.
  • Database vendor and version
  • Upgrade-related Portal property settings
  • Document Library Store and rootDir configuration settings
  • Document Library size (for File System Store and Advanced File System Store)
  • List of database tables with their initial size in rows and their final size in rows
  • 20 longest-running upgrade processes
  • Errors and each type’s frequency
  • Warnings and each type’s frequency

The upgrade status returns combined results for 1. Core Upgrades, 2. Module Upgrades, 3. Verify Process Exceptions, and 4. Unsatisfied Components. A Success is when all four have passed. A Failure is when 1, 2, or 3 has failed. And Unresolved is when 4 has failed.

The upgrade report is available through the upgrade tool or at startup with a portal property.

Note, the upgrade report information can also be output in your console logs by enabling the upgrade log context.

Upgrade Report through the Upgrade Tool

Upgrade reporting is enabled by setting the upgrade.report.enabled=true property in the tools/portal-tools-db-upgrade-client/portal-upgrade-ext.properties file. For example,

cd liferay-home
echo "upgrade.report.enabled=\"true\"" << tools/portal-tools-db-upgrade-client/portal-upgrade-ext.properties

Optionally, define an output directory for the upgrade report by setting the upgrade.report.dir={your_directory} property. If none is set, the report is generated in the /tools/portal-tools-db-upgrade-client/reports folder.

Upgrade Report at Startup with Portal Properties

To enable the upgrade report upon startup, set the following two portal properties in your portal-ext.properties file:


Optionally, define an output directory for the upgrade report by setting the upgrade.report.dir={your_directory} property. If none is set, the report is generated in the {liferay-home}/reports folder.

Additional Information

On subsequent upgrades, the tool appends a time stamp to the file name (e.g., upgrade_report.info.1631029824000) and then reports new upgrade details to a new upgrade_report.info file.

Note, calculating the document library size may require long wait times. Therefore, the timeout period is set to ten seconds by default. To change this duration, modify the upgrade.report.dl.storage.size.timeout property in your portal-ext.properties file. Increase the time or set the value to 0 to disable the timeout.

Sample Upgrade Report

Here is an example upgrade report:

Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2022 09:02:44 UTC

Upgrade completed in 388 seconds

Initial portal build number: 7310
Initial portal schema version: 8.18.4
Final portal build number: 7413
Final portal schema version: 16.0.0
Expected portal build number: 7413
Expected portal schema version: 16.0.0

Using mariadb version 10.7


The document library storage size is 689.01 KB

Tables in database sorted by initial number of rows:
Table name                           Rows (initial)         Rows (final)
--------------                       --------------       --------------
ResourceAction                                 1822                 2043
ResourcePermission                             1440                 1488
Marketplace_Module                             1195                 2538
SegmentsExperience                                0                    1

Top 20 longest running upgrade processes:
	com.liferay.client.extension.internal.upgrade.v3_1_0.ClientExtensionEntryUpgradeProcess took 6866 ms to complete
	com.liferay.client.extension.internal.upgrade.v2_0_0.RemoteAppEntryUpgradeProcess took 4938 ms to complete
	com.liferay.portal.upgrade.v7_4_x.UpgradeCountry took 4429 ms to complete
	com.liferay.batch.engine.internal.upgrade.v4_4_0.BatchEngineExportTaskUpgradeProcess took 1228 ms to complete

No errors thrown during upgrade

Warnings thrown during upgrade process






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