Content Dashboard Interface

Available 7.3+

The Content Dashboard user interface has three main sections:

  1. Content Audit Tool
  2. Contents List
  3. Content Info Sidebar

To access the dashboard, open the Global Menu (Global Menu), go to the Applications tab, and click Content Dashboard.

The Content Dashboard user interface has three main sections.

Here you can view the content audit tool (1) at the top of the page and the contents list (2) at the bottom.

From the contents list, you can access the content info sidebar (3) by hovering over a content item and clicking the Info button (Info). Alternatively, you can click the content item’s Actions button (Actions Button) and select Info.


If the instance is connected to Analytics Cloud, you can also select View Metrics to open the Content Performance side panel. See About the Content Performance Tool for more information.

Content Audit Tool

The content audit tool displays assets from the contents list section in a chart. This chart represents the total number of assets for the selected vocabularies and categories and can include items from all sites and asset libraries. However, the chart only displays data the current user can access. You can also restrict chart results using contents list filters.

The content audit tool displays assets from the contents list section in a chart.


If the chart does not display the expected information, verify your categories for the selected vocabularies and ensure that your content is categorized.

The content audit tool includes four UI elements: the chart legend, the x-axis categories for the first vocabulary, the y-axis categories for the second vocabulary, and the bar chart.

The content audit tool includes these UI elements.

Customizing Vocabularies and Categories for the Content Audit Tool

By default, the bar chart shows the total number of assets for each category in the selected vocabularies. To change these vocabularies,

  1. Click Configure (Configure Button) in the content audit area.

  2. Use the left and right arrows to select which vocabularies to display in the chart.

    You can only use one or two vocabularies at a time. Also, you can only combine vocabularies from the same site. However, you can use global vocabularies with vocabularies from any site.

  3. Click up and down to order the vocabularies.

    The chart uses the top vocabulary for the x-axis and the bottom vocabulary for the y-axis.

    Select vocabularies for the content audit chart.

  4. Click Save.


Click Flip Axes (Flip Axes) to quickly switch the x- and y-axes.

Contents List

By default, the contents list displays all content you can access across your sites and asset libraries. From here, you can sort and filter this content using built-in or custom filters. The content audit tool chart changes dynamically based on the filters that you set.

The contents list includes four UI elements: a filter and sort selector, a filter editor, a search field, and a list of contents.

The contents list contains several elements to help you find content.

In the list of contents are the following columns:

TitleThe content’s title.
AuthorThe content’s author.
TypeThe content type: web content article, 7.4 U23+/GA23+ blogs entry
SubtypeThe content subtype.
Site or Asset LibraryThe content item’s location in the Liferay instance.
StatusThe workflow statuses for each content item.
Vocabulary (x-axis)The categories applied to the content item from the content audit tool’s x-axis vocabulary.
Vocabulary (y-axis)The categories applied to the content item from the content audit tool’s y-axis vocabulary.
Modified DateThe content’s last modified date
Review DateThe content’s review date

The content list uses the Page icon (Page Icon) to identify assets that have a display page template.

You can hover over content in the list to access these actions:

View (View): View the content’s display page.

Edit (Edit): Open the content in edit mode.

Info (Information): Open the content info sidebar.

View Metrics (View Metrics): Open the content performance panel.

Access the content info sidebar and content performance panel from the Actions menu or the icons on each content row.

Filtering and Sorting Content in the Contents List

From the Filter and Order drop-down menu, select a pre-defined filter. You can also sort content by title or modified date.

You can use the search bar to filter content by keyword or click a bar in the content audit chart to filter content by the selected category.

Use the filter editor to remove a specific filter or all of them from the filter area.

See Understanding Contents List Filters for more information on how combining filters works.


When you close the dashboard page, the default filter and sorting option are reset.

Filter Options Reference

For 7.4+

From the Filter and Order drop-down menu, you can choose these options:

CategoriesFilters using one or more categories from your vocabularies.
Site or Asset LibraryFilters by site or asset library.
TypeFilters by content type and subtype, including out-of-the-box and custom subtypes.
TagsFilters by content tags.
(Liferay DXP 2024.Q3+/Portal 7.4 GA125+) SizeFilters images and videos by file size:
  • Small (150KB or less)
  • Medium (more than 150KB and up to 1MB, inclusive)
  • Large (more than 1MB)
(Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal 7.4 GA146+) Filter by ResolutionFilters images by resolution:
  • Small (up to 400x300)
  • Medium (from 401x301 to 1024x768)
    (Includes images where width exceeds 400 or height exceeds 300)
  • Large (more than 1024x768)
    (Includes images where width exceeds 1024 or height exceeds 768)
(Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal 7.4 GA146+) Filter by Aspect RatioFilters images by aspect ratio:
  • Wide (Width is greater than height)
  • Tall (Height is greater than width)
  • Square (Width and height are equal)
ExtensionFilters by file extension:
  • audio
  • code
  • compressed
  • image
  • presentation
  • spreadsheet
  • text
  • vectorial
  • video
  • other
Filter by StatusFilters by the content’s workflow status.
Filter by AuthorFilters by content author.
Filter by Review DateFilters by the content’s review date.
(Liferay DXP 2024.Q3+/Portal 7.4 GA125+) Filter by Custom DateFilters by Create, Display, Expiration, Modified, Published, or Review dates. Select a from/to range for your filter.
Order ByFilters by the content’s title, modified date, or review date.

Filter content items.

Understanding Contents List Filters

When you use the categories or tags filters with more than one criteria, the results correspond to content that meets all the criteria (see example A.)

When you choose multiple options for the same filter criteria, the contents list shows assets matching at least one option (see example B.)

The criteria from different filters is combined using the and operator (see example C.)

ExampleFilter ByFilter ExampleContents List Results
ACategoriesCategories: Entrepreneur and FamilyOnly assets that belong to both the Entrepreneur and Family Categories.
BAuthorsAuthors: Peter and LindaAssets authored by Peter or Linda or both.
CCategories, AuthorsCategory is Entrepreneur and Author is LindaOnly assets under the Entrepreneur Category and authored by Linda.

Content Info Sidebar

The info sidebar provides access to actions and metadata for your selected asset. To open the sidebar, click Actions (Actions Button) for the desired asset and select Info. Alternatively, you can hover over the asset and click Info (Information Button).

Click the Info button to access the content info sidebar.

This table lists available metadata and actions for different asset types.

Asset TypeMetadata/Action
Web Content
  • Title
  • Versions (Click to view the version history)
Versions (Click to view the version history)
Blog Entries
  • Title
  • Type
  • Version (current active version)
  • Status
  • Author
  • 7.4 U42+/GA42+ Share
  • Display Date
  • Creation Date
  • Modified Date
  • ID

The content info sidebar provides metadata and actions for your content.

Version History

Available 7.4 U53+/GA53+

The Content Info panel displays the version history for assets from Web Content and Documents and Media. To view the version history, click Info (Info Button) for a content item and go to the Versions tab.

This tab lists up to 10 available versions for the item. If there are more versions, you can view them by clicking the View More button.

Each version displays the author of the version, the time of its creation, and a changelog. You can click the Actions button (Actions Button) for a version to access these actions:

Preview: Show the rendered web content or document.

Compare To: Show the difference between the selected version and another version. This opens a new page that shows additions, deletions and formatting changes between versions. This action is available only when there are two or more active versions.

Expire: Deactivate a version and activate the next available version. For instance, if there are two versions, 1.2 and 1.1, and you expire 1.2, 1.1 becomes the active version.

Click the Versions tab to view the version history for a content dashboard item.



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