Understanding Users with Analytics Cloud

Understanding who your visitors are and how they interact with your site is a crucial part of any business. Fortunately, Liferay DXP comes with Analytics Cloud, a cloud-based SaaS tool that aggregates your visitor data and presents useful metrics such as visitor count, session length, interests, and more. Use the traffic insights from Analytics Cloud to iterate on your site in a continuous loop built around the following principles:

  • Measure: See how your site pages and site content is performing.
  • Understand: Use the analytics data to understand your audience better and what they are interested in.
  • Optimize: Make informed decisions to optimize your site and deliver more relevant content.

Analytics Cloud tracks a variety of metrics that can be grouped into two categories:

  • User Data: Analytics data about individual visitors as well as segments and how they are interacting with your site.
  • Site Content Data: Analytics data about your individual site pages and their content.

User Data

Analytics Cloud displays multiple metrics about site visitors, such as

  • The total number of individuals (both known and anonymous) within the last 30 days
  • The change across time of the number of individuals interacting with your site
  • The most popular topics
  • The distribution of users across different attributes (e.g., date of birth)

The individuals dashboard shows different metrics about your visitors

Known visitors are users authenticated to your Liferay DXP instance, while anonymous visitors are unauthenticated guests. For known visitors, Analytics Cloud provides detailed reports of how they are navigating your site, including a history of their recent interactions, their most popular topics, and the segments to which they belong.

The known individuals dashboard gives a detailed look at each individual.

User data also includes segment analytics. Segments are groupings of individuals you define based on shared attributes such as geography, industry, shared interest topics, and more. You can track the same metrics for user segments as you can for individual users.

Segment analytics shows data about different groupings of individuals.

Site Content Data

Analytics Cloud aggregates data from your entire site and displays a comprehensive dashboard of how visitors are using your site. This data can include

  • The total number of individuals visiting your site across time
  • A list of the most viewed pages
  • A summary of where your traffic is coming from
  • Popular search terms and popular interest topics
  • Visitor location and device/browser type
  • Cohort analysis (i.e. a table showing what percent of a previous day’s visitors are returning)

The site dashboard shows a comprehensive look at the metrics of your site.

You can drill down into any site page to see performance metrics. These data points include

  • The number of individuals visiting the page over time
  • The percentage of the visitors who are known and whether they belong to any segment
  • Visitor location and device/browser type.

Look at the metrics of each individual site page.

With Analytics Cloud, you get detailed analytics even on how individual Liferay assets are performing.

  • Blogs: number of views, reading time, comments, ratings
  • Documents and Media: number of downloads, previews, comments, ratings
  • Forms: number of submissions, views, completion times
  • Web Content: number of views

See detailed analytics of individual Liferay assets.


Analytics Cloud helps you discover what’s important to your visitors so you can deliver improved content and optimized site experiences. Next you’ll learn about Liferay segmentation and personalization features.

Up Next: Personalizing Experiences for Users

Additional Resources

See official documentation to learn more about Analytics Cloud:



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