Clarity’s Analytics and Personalization Requirements

Like other enterprise public websites, Clarity relies on web analytics to measure their website’s performance, target audiences, and areas for improvement. To present unique experiences to different groups of users, Clarity needs to collect comprehensive data to continually optimize their solution.

Use Analytics Capabilities to collect comprehensive data to optimize your solution.


With this in mind, let’s review Clarity’s requirements for analytics and personalized experiences.

Generate detailed website reports through an intuitive user interface

Clarity aims to gather in-depth metrics about their website and make them accessible through a user-friendly interface. This would enable both IT staff and non-technical employees to digest the data and optimize their solution. Clarity can streamline website performance assessment and fine-tune planning.

Define and manage user segments based on common user activities

Clarity wants to create a detailed picture of their target audiences by sorting users into different groups based on shared attributes, behaviors, and interests. They also want to create, manage, and track these groups dynamically, without requiring technical knowledge. With this understanding of their target audiences, Clarity can create effective marketing strategies and plan audience-focused content.

Deliver personalized experiences to different user segments

After gathering website analytics and defining their target audiences, Clarity plans to create personalized user experiences by tailoring custom pages and page variants for targeted groups of individuals according to their needs. They need to produce dynamic experiences based on demographics, location, and other definable rules. By following this approach, Clarity can increase user engagement and satisfaction.


Now that you’ve reviewed Clarity’s analytics and personalization requirements, let’s learn more about how Liferay Analytics Cloud can satisfy them.

Next Up: Understanding Users with Analytics Cloud



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