Enabling Publications
Available Liferay 7.3+
Publications provides a convenient and flexible way for you and your teams to develop, track, and publish changes. When enabled, Publications is activated globally and can be accessed anywhere to edit supported entities.
" title="YouTube video player" width="560">Staging and Publications cannot be enabled at the same time. If Staging is enabled on any of your sites, you must first disable Staging before enabling Publications. See Disabling Local Live Staging and Disabling Remote Live Staging for more information.
Workflow cannot be used with Publications in Liferay 7.3.
How to Enable Publications
Open the Global Menu (
), go to the Applications tab, and click Publications.
Toggle Enable Publications.
(Optional) Toggle Sandbox Only mode. While enabled, users are directed automatically to their last working publication when they log in. If they don’t have one, a new publication is generated for them using the
screen.name - date
naming pattern. You can use publication templates to set default values for these auto-generated publications. See Using Publication Templates for more information.TipUsing Sandbox Only can help reduce accidental edits to production.
(Optional) Enable Allow Unapproved Changes to let users publish unapproved changes to production.
Click Save to save your configuration. You’re redirected to the Publications application page.
Once enabled, you can access the drop-down Publications bar menu from anywhere in your Liferay instance.
You can use this menu to create new publications, select which publication you want to work on, switch between edit and production modes, and review and publish the current publication’s changes. See Creating and Managing Publications to learn about creating, editing, and removing individual publications.
If you modify the contents of a publication with headless API calls, the publication remains in effect. Modifications made through headless API calls are recorded and can be reviewed in the Publications application.
How to Disable Publications
If desired, you can disable Publications at any time via the Publications application page.
Open the Global Menu (
), go to the Applications tab, and click Publications.
Click Options (
) in the Application Bar, and select Settings.
Toggle the switch to disable Publications.
Click Save.
Once disabled, all active publications are deactivated, scheduled publications are canceled, and you can no longer access your publication history. However, Liferay retains your instance’s publication history, so you can access it again if you re-enable Publications.
Enabling Publications for 7.3.x
Open the Global Menu (
), go to the Applications tab, and click Settings under Publications.
Toggle the switch to Yes.
Click Submit to save your configuration.
Alternatively, you can click Save and Go to Overview, which saves your configuration and redirects you to the Publications overview page.
Disabling Publications for 7.3.x
If desired, you can disable Publications at any time via the Publications Settings page.
Open the Global Menu (
), go to the Applications tab, and click Settings under Publications.
Toggle the switch to No.
Click Submit.
Once disabled, all active publications are deactivated, scheduled publications are canceled, and you can no longer access your publication history. DXP, however, retains your instance’s publication history, so you can access it again if you re-enable Publications.