
DXP Self-Hosted Installation, Maintenance, and Administration

In addition to SaaS and PaaS deployment approaches for Liferay DXP, you can also opt to self-host Liferay DXP. Self-hosting gives you flexibility to deploy Liferay DXP on-premises or to a cloud computing provider of your choice, giving you complete control over deployment, infrastructure, and maintenance.

Deployment Approach
OpenSearch Subscription Required [Beta Feature](../../system-administration/configuring-liferay/ Elasticsearch is Liferay's native search engine. Beginning with Liferay DXP...
公開日: 2024/11/28 15:14
Using Upgrade Processes in Earlier Versions
Using Upgrade Processes in Earlier Versions Liferay DXP 7.4 U10/Portal 7.4 GA14 and Below Follow these steps to create an upgrade process for your module: Open your module's bnd.bnd file, and...
公開日: 2024/12/03 15:10
Logs The OSGi Log Service Extender enables bundles to provide OSGi logging configuration using embedded properties files META-INF/ or META-INF/
公開日: 2024/12/03 15:11
Adding Reasons for Returns
Adding Reasons for Returns When creating a return request, customers must choose a reason for the return. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigate to Control Panel → Instance Settings. ...
公開日: 2024/12/07 0:07
Creating a Return
Creating a Return Customers can place return requests for completed orders. The Minium and Minium 4.0 accelerators and the Classic Site Initializer have a returns page where they can track their...
公開日: 2024/12/07 0:07
Returns Workflow
Returns Workflow When a customer submits a return request, you must go to the Returns application to manage it. It is advised to use the Returns Manager role for this. Open the Global Menu...
公開日: 2024/12/07 0:07
Custom Facet Examples
Custom Facet Examples The custom facet is a powerful aid to customizing your site's search experience. When the out-of-the-box facets don't meet your requirements, the custom facet fills the gap....
公開日: 2024/12/07 0:15
Apps com.liferay.account.api ...
公開日: 2024/12/07 0:16




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