Logging into Your Liferay Cloud Services

By default, you must log in to access the web interfaces for the Liferay and Infrastructure services on any non-production environment (e.g., uat). Typically, login credentials appear in the initial onboarding email, but they are also located in the Cloud console.

Locating Login Credentials

  1. Navigate to the infra environment.

  2. Click Settings in the left menu.

  3. Click the Secrets tab.

  4. Click the lcp-secret-ci-customer-user and lcp-secret-ci-customer-password secrets to access them.

    The lcp-secret-ci-customer-user and lcp-secret-ci-customer-password secrets contain your login credentials.

  5. Click View on each secret’s page to reveal the value. Click on the revealed value to copy it to your clipboard.

    CLick View to reveal the secret value.

Logging In

  1. Navigate to your chosen environment (dev, uat, etc.).

  2. Click Visit Site at the top of the page.

    The Visit Site drop-down lists all available endpoints for your Liferay instances in the environment.

    The drop-down menu lists all available endpoints to your liferay service, including the default webserver service endpoint and any custom domains you added to the environment.

  3. Click on the desired endpoint to access your Liferay instance with the corresponding URL.

  4. Enter the Liferay Cloud Jenkins user name and password when prompted.

    Authenticate in the pop-up that appears.

Once logged in, the user is redirected to the Liferay DXP 7.x instance (in this example, Liferay DXP 7.2 GA1).

After logging in, you are taken to the environment's Liferay DXP instance.

Finding Default Service URLs

You can find the default webserver endpoint’s URL in its service page. Hover over the webserver logo to expand its URL:

The service's logo expands into a clickable URL.

Your Jenkins login credentials are still required when accessing Liferay through this method.

You can follow similar steps to access the Jenkins CI web interface. Navigate to the ci service in the infra environment to find the Jenkins URL:

The CI service has a URL for the Jenkins CI web interface.




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