Default Widgets Reference

Liferay provides a variety of widgets out-of-the-box, so you can start building your solution right away. Widgets can be placed on content pages, widget pages, and page templates. To view available widgets on a content page, begin editing a page and select Fragments and Widgets (Fragments and Widgets) in the editing sidebar menu and select the Widgets tab. To view available widgets on a widget page, click Add (add).

Widgets are organized into these sections:


Widgets here are commonly used widgets when building pages.

Asset PublisherAdds an Asset Publisher widget to display assets.
Documents and MediaAdds a Documents and Media widget to display documents and media.
Menu DisplayAdds a Menu Display widget to display your site’s page hierarchy.
Web Content DisplayAdds a Web Content Display widget to display web content articles.


To learn more about Accounts, see Accounts

Account ManagementAdds an Account Management Widget to manage and access account information.


Collaboration widgets build sites and communities that foster collaboration and communication with other users.

BlogsAdds a Blogs widget to manage and access the Blogs application.
Blogs AggregatorAdds a Blogs Aggregator widget to publish blog entries from multiple sources.
CalendarAdds a Calendar widget to see and add events.
Dynamic Data Lists DisplayAdds a widget to display a dynamic data list. Dynamic Data Lists is deprecated as of Liferay DXP 7.3. It is replaced by Objects.
FormAdds a Form widget to display a specific form.
Invite MembersDeprecated in Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129 Adds an Invite Members widget to invite users to join a site.
Message BoardsDeprecated in Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129 Adds a Message Boards widget to add the Message Boards application to a page.
QuestionsAdds a Questions widget to display messages from the Message Boards in question and answer format.
Recent BloggersAdds a Recent Bloggers widget to display the most recent blog authors.


For a list of available commerce widgets, see Commerce Widget Reference.


Community widgets add comments, ratings, and flagging to pages.

My SitesAdds a My Sites widget to list the sites a user belongs to and can join.
Page CommentsAdds a Page Comments widget where users can add comments to pages.
Page FlagsAdds a Page Flags widget to report a page.
Page RatingsAdds a Page Rating widget to rate pages.

Content Management

Content Management widgets create, manage, and display content on site pages.

Asset PublisherAdds an Asset Publisher widget to display assets.
BreadcrumbAdds a Breadcrumb widget to provide a navigation system that shows pages and sites at the same level of accessibility as the current page. It shows private pages if on a private page and public pages if on a public page.
Category FilterAdds a Category Filter widget where users can select a category to filter assets.
Documents and MediaAdds a Documents and Media widget to display documents and media.
Hightest Rated AssetsAdds a Highest Rated Assets widget to list assets with the highest rating.
Knowledge Base ArticleAdds a Knowledge Base Article widget to display a single article’s content.
Knowledge Base DisplayAdds a Knowledge Base Display widget to display published Knowledge Base articles.
Knowledge Base SearchAdds a Knowledge Base Search widget to search for Knowledge Base articles
Knowledge Base SectionAdds a Knowledge Base Section widget to publish articles associated with a specific topic (section).
Media GalleryDeprecated in Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129 Adds a Media Gallery widget to display media in a simple gallery-like style.
Menu DisplayAdds a Menu Display widget to display a site’s page hierarchy.
Most Viewed AssetsAdds a Most Viewed Assets widget to display assets with the most views.
Nested ApplicationsAdds a Nested Applications widget to nest widgets and configure how widgets appear on a page.
Related AssetsAdds a Related Assets widget to display assets related to the main asset of the current page.
Site MapAdds a Site Map widget to display the current site’s map.
Sites DirectoryDeprecated in Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129 Adds a Sites Directory widget to display the hierarchy of sites and child sites
Tag CloudAdds a Tag Cloud widget to display how many times a tag has been used. Assets on a page can be filtered when a tag is selected.
Tag FilterAdds a Tag Filter widget to display tags. Assets on a page can be filtered when a tag is selected.
Web Content DisplayAdds a Web Content Display widget to display web content articles.

The Most Viewed Assets widget is deprecated as of Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129+ and is scheduled for removal in a future release. Instead, use an Asset Publisher widget and select the Most Viewed Assets collection provider to track content view.


News widgets display messages to users, RSS feeds, and recently created content.

AlertsAdds an Alerts widget to display high-priority information with a red Important tag.
AnnouncementsAdds an Announcements widget to display information without a red Important tag.
Recent ContentAdds a Recent Content widget showing the most recently created assets.
RSS PublisherAdds a RSS Publisher widget showing posts from RSS feeds.


Sample widgets are used to demonstrate widgets and how they appear on a page.

Classic Theme Style GuideAdds a Classic Theme Style Guide widget to display the style guide of the Classic theme.
Commerce Machine Learning Forecast AlertAdds a Commerce Machine Learning Forecast Alert widget to display forecasts generated using Analytics Cloud forecasts.
Dialect Theme Style Guide SampleAdds a Dialect Theme Style Guide Sample widget to display the Dialect theme’s style guide.
IframeAdds an Iframe widget creating an Iframe that can embed and display a web page.

Search widgets provide tailored search experiences that are customizable by you and the users.

Blueprints OptionsAdds a Blueprints Options widget to apply a search blueprint.
Category FacetAdds a Category Facet widget to filter search results by categories.
Custom FacetAdds a Custom Facet widget to choose which field to group search results by.
Custom FilterAdds a Custom Filter widget to control the query sent to the search engine without deploying custom code.
Elasticsearch MonitoringAdds a Elasticsearch Monitoring widget to monitor Elasticsearch.
Folder FacetAdds a Folder Facet widget to filter search results by asset folders.
Low Level Search OptionsAdds a Low Level Search Options widget to use low level search.
Modified FacetAdds a Modified Faced widget to filter search results by when an asset was created or modified.
Search BarAdds a Search Bar widget to perform searches. By default, the search bar widget sends users to the default search page.
Search InsightsAdds a Search Insights widget to inspect the query string constructed by backend search code when a keyword is entered and the response string returned from the search engine. This is intended to be used only during testing and development.
Search OptionsAdds a Search Options widget to configure additional search options on a page.
Search ResultsAdds a Search Results widget to display the results of a search query.
Similar ResultsAdds a Similar Results widget to show search results similar to the main asset that’s selected on the page.
Site FacetAdds a Site Facet widget to filter search results by site.
SortAdds a Sort widget to control the order of search results.
SuggestionsAdds a Suggestions widget to suggest improvements to an initial query.
Tag FacetAdds a Tag Facet widget to filter search results by tags.
Type FacetAdds a Type Facet widget to filter search results by asset type.
User FacetAdds a User Facet widget to filter search results by users.


Social widgets create a social media experience on user sites.

ActivitiesDeprecated in Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129 Adds an Activities widget to track user activities on a site.
Contacts CenterAdds a Contacts Center widget to form connections and follow other users.
MembersAdds a Members widget to show site members.
My ContactsAdds a My Contacts widget to show users’ connections. This widget can only be added to your profile page.
ProfileAdds a Profile widget to display user profile information, including pictures and descriptions. This widget can only be applied to the My Profile page.


Tool widgets provide widgets to tailor a user’s experience.

Cookies Banner ConfigurationAdds a Cookies Banner Configuration widget to configure which cookies are allowed.
IP Geocoder SampleAdds a IP Geocoder Sample widget to display your country code and IP address.
Language SelectorAdds a Language Selector widget to set the language you see.
SearchAdds a Search widget to provide configurations to tailor queries.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal GA120+ Create AccountAdds a Create Account widget with a form for users to enter their information to create an account.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal GA120+ Forgot PasswordAdds a Forgot Password widget with fields to enter an email address and a captcha to reset the password.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal GA120+ Sign InAdds a Sign-In widget with fields to enter an email address and password for users to sign in.



Wiki is deprecated as of Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129+. For data continuity, consider transitioning to alternative content management solutions like Liferay Objects or Web Content.

Wiki widgets present the Wiki application and display wiki pages.

Page MenuAdds a Page Menu widget to display links to other resources such as Wiki pages, site pages, and external websites.
Tree MenuAdds a Tree Menu widget to list wiki pages and child pages in a wiki node
WikiAdds a Wiki widget to display the Wiki application.
Wiki DisplayAdds a Wiki Display widget to highlight a specific wiki page.

Widget titles are not indexed by default. However, custom themes that expose widget titles can cause them to appear in search results. Theme developers should ensure widget titles are not exposed if they should not appear in search results.




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