Command-Line Tool

The CLI tool can be used to view and manage your Liferay Cloud services. Once installed, you can run lcp --help in your terminal to view available actions.


You can run the -v or --verbose option at the end of any lcp command to see extra logging and information. Run the --help flag at the end of any lcp command to see the available flags you can use with it.

Installing the CLI Tool

*nix Systems

Open your terminal, and run this command:

curl -fsSL | bash

If you get a permissions error, try running the command again and replacing bash with sudo bash.

Windows Systems

Download the latest version of the Windows installer, and follow the steps in the wizard.

Upgrading the CLI Tool from Version 2 to 3

You must first uninstall your current version before you can install and use version 3. This prevent conflicts with the same binary name.


These instructions are specific to uninstalling CLI version 2 and are not the same as those for uninstalling version 3 of the CLI tool.

Uninstalling Version 2 on MacOS or Linux

  1. Open a terminal and run: lcp uninstall.

  2. Verify uninstall is complete by running the command lcp.

Uninstalling Version 2 on Windows

  1. On Windows 10, go to Control PanelProgramsUninstall a program.

    Alternatively, for Windows 7 and 8, go to Control PanelAdd or Remove Programs.

  2. Select lcp amd64-installer-0.3

  3. Click Uninstall then confirm.

  4. Verify uninstall is complete by running the command lcp or lcp.exe.

Verify that CLI version 2 has been uninstalled before installing version 3.

Installing Version 3

Once version 2 is uninstalled, you can follow the above instructions to install version 3 of the CLI tool.

Configuring the CLI Remote

To access Liferay Cloud services via the CLI tool, it must be configured to point to Liferay Cloud’s remote URL:

To list the CLI’s remotes, run this command:

lcp remote

You can add new remotes to the CLI tool using this command:

lcp remote set <remote-alias> <remote-url>

If desired, you can change its default remote:

lcp remote default <remote-alias>

Alternatively, you can specify the remote inline:

lcp shell -p <project-id> --service <service-id> --remote <remote-alias>

Downloading Backups

Use the lcp backup command to download a specific backup using its ID.

Run this command to download both the database and document library concurrently:

lcp backup download --backupId <ID>

Alternatively, add the --database or --doclib flags to only download the one specified:

lcp backup download <type> --backupId <ID>

Showing the Service Logs

Use lcp log commands to display logs for specific projects, services, and instances. Below are some common commands, though you can see available command options by running lcp log --help.

View all service logs for a project environment:

lcp log -p <project>-<environment>

View logs for a single service in a project environment:

lcp log -p <project>-<environment> -s <service>

Alternatively, use a service’s full URL to view its logs:

lcp log --url <service>-<project>-<environment>

By default, the lcp log command only returns 10,000 lines to reduce network impact. However, you can avoid this restriction by using --since and --until parameters to specify a period of time (e.g., yesterday, "yesterday at 9pm", "10 minutes ago", "mm/dd/YYYY HH:mm:ss").

View all service logs for a project environment from a specific time to the present:

lcp log -p <project>-<environment> --since <start_time>

View all service logs for a project environment from a specific period of time:

lcp log --since "<start_time>" --until "<end_time>"

You can also pipe the output of an lcp log command into a file by appending >> "<new-file.txt>" to the end of the command. When run, the new file is created in your terminal’s current path.

lcp log -p <project>-<environment> -s <service> --since "<start_time>" --until "<end_time>" >> "<new-file.txt>"

Changing the Number of Service Instances

Use lcp scale commands to individually scale environment services. These examples include some common commands, though you can see available command options by running lcp scale --help.


This command is deprecated. Instead, you can set the minimum and maximum number of service instances in the dashboard. See Scaling the Liferay Service for more information on scaling.

View all services and their instances for a project environment, and then select a service to scale:

lcp scale -p <project>-<environment>

Then, follow the terminal prompts to select a service and determine the number of its instances.

Alternatively, specify the target service and desired number of instances as part of the lcp scale command:

lcp scale -p <project>-<environment> -s <service> <instances>

You can also scale instances using its full URL:

lcp scale --url <service>-<project>-<environment> <instances>

Listing Projects or Services

Use lcp list commands to view project services, each with its image and status. These examples include some common commands, though you can see available command options by running lcp list --help.

View a complete list of projects, services, and instances that you either own or collaborate on:

lcp list

View the image and status of environment specific services:

lcp list -p <project>-<environment>

Check the image and status of a specific service:

lcp list -p <project>-<environment> --service <serviceID>

Alternatively, you can check a service by passing its full URL to lcp list:

lcp list --url <service>-<project>-<environment>

Restarting a Service

Use lcp restart commands to restart an environment service. These examples include some common commands, though you can see available command options by running lcp restart --help.

View all project environments and services, and then select an environment service to restart:

lcp restart

Restart a specific service in a project:

lcp restart -p <project>-<environment> -s <service>

Alternatively, restart a service by passing its full URL to lcp restart:

lcp restart --url <serviceID>-<projectID>

Deploying to Your Liferay Cloud Environment

Use the lcp deploy command to deploy either a specific service or all of your services to one of your environments:

lcp deploy

Running lcp deploy from the root directory of your repository deploys all applicable services to your chosen environment. Run the command from one service’s folder (with the service’s LCP.json file in that folder) to specifically deploy that service to the environment.

Run the command with -r to specify a remote (by its ID) other than the default:

lcp deploy -r <remote-id>

See Deploying Changes via the CLI Tool for more information.

Downloading Files from the Liferay Service

Use the files download command to download files from the Liferay service. The files must be in the Liferay service’s persistent storage directory (/mnt/persistent-storage/).

For example,

lcp files download --prefix path/to/files --dest destination

This command downloads all files from your Liferay service’s /mnt/persistent-storage/path/to/files/ directory into a destination/ folder.

Change the number of files downloading in parallel (by default 100) with the --concurrency flag.

For example, the command below downloads all files from the /mnt/persistent-storage/path/to/files/ directory into the current working directory, up to 600 files at a time.

lcp files download --prefix path/to/files --concurrency 600

See all of the available command options by running lcp files download --help.

Accessing a Service’s Shell

To access a service container’s shell, run this command:

lcp shell

This lists all the services in the container and prompts you to choose which one to access.

Alternatively, access the shell of a specific service’s container by adding the service’s project ID and service ID to the lcp shell command:

lcp shell -p <project>-<environment> -s <service>

Open docs

Use the lcp docs command to access Liferay Cloud resources, including official documentation, Help Center content, and more.

Uninstalling Version 3 of the CLI Tool

For Mac and Linux, run this command:

curl -fsSL | bash

For Windows 7 and 8, go to Control PanelAdd or Remove Programs. In Windows 10, go to Control PanelProgramsUninstall a program. Then, find LCP CLI in the list of programs, select it, and click Uninstall. Follow the steps in the wizard.




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