Custom Facet

The Custom Facet is unique among the out-of-the-box search facets. Rather than group results by a single static field (like the modified date or the asset type), you can choose which field to group results by, creating an entirely new facet in the process.

Configuring the Custom Facet

  1. Click Add (Add icon) at the top of the page.

  2. Locate the Custom Facet and drag it to the collection of facets on the left. The Custom Facet is found under the Search section of widgets.

    Find the custom facet under the search widgets.

  3. Click Options (Options icon) → Configuration.

    Click on the Configuration option.

    The Custom Facet has several configuration options which are described below.

  4. When finished, click Save.

Display Settings: Choose between Default, Compact Layout, and Label Layout. The Default layout shows checkboxes next to each term but the Compact layout does not. The Label layout shows small clickable labels for each term.

Advanced Configuration contains additional options:

Aggregation Field: Enter the name of the indexed field to aggregate results by. This must be a non-analyzed keyword field. See below for more information.

Custom Heading: Enter the heading to display for this facet. If not set, the aggregated field name is displayed.

Custom Parameter Name: Specify a URL parameter name for selected values. If not set, the aggregated field name is used.

Max Terms: Set the maximum number of facet terms to display, regardless of how many matching terms are found for the facet.

Frequency Threshold: Set the minimum frequency required for terms to appear in the list of facet terms. For example, if the frequency threshold of a facet is set to 3, terms with two matching results don’t appear in the term result list.

Order Terms By: For Liferay 7.4 U60+/GA60+, you can choose the facet term sorting strategy: Term Frequency Descending (default) or Term Frequency Ascending. The default sorting orders facet terms from most matches to least.

Display Frequencies: Choose whether to display the term frequencies.

Federated Search Key: Enter the key of an alternate Search this widget is participating on. If not set, this widget participates on the default search. This value is typically the name of an application-defined index.

Finding Indexed Fields

To use the Custom Facet, you must know which non-analyzed keyword field to use in the configuration.


The Custom Facet uses keyword fields, but some text and icu_collation_keyword fields are mapped with keyword sub-fields and are usable in the Custom Facet. See Accessing Sub-Fields and the example on creating facets for Custom Fields.

To browse the entire list of available fields, inspect the field mappings from Control PanelConfigurationSearch (click the Field Mappings tab). Here you’ll see numerous indexes. Liferay’s main content is indexed into the company index, which is named liferay-[company id] (e.g., liferay-10819726314237). To search and browse the mappings you can copy them locally and use your favorite editor.

When you find the field, note its type and if it has sub-fields. Some fields are mapped as text fields to enable full text search or as icu_collation fields to enable sorting, but given a sub-field of type keyword for using in aggregations (i.e., facets).

Accessing Sub-Fields

Elasticsearch can index multi-fields, adding sub-field mappings to the main field. Some text and icu_collation_keyword fields in Liferay are mapped with keyword sub-fields and are usable in the Custom Facet.

To use sub-fields in the Custom Facet, use dot notation (e.g., fieldName.sub_field_name). Examples include assetTagNames.raw and title_en_US_sortable.keyword_lowercase. Some nested fields are mapped this way.


You can see sub-fields when you view the mappings in Liferay, but they are not present in the document source. That’s why, in Search Results you cannot find these fields using the Display Results in Document Form setting.

Using the Search Engine’s API

Alternatively, use your search engine’s API to browse the mappings. You can access Elasticsearch’s field mappings from your terminal using cURL to call the Get Mapping API:

curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_mapping?pretty"

Kibana’s Dev Tools console is more convenient for making Elasticsearch API calls than cURL.

Solr uses the ListFields API:

curl http://localhost:8983/solr/liferay/schema/

Here’s a snippet of output from the Elasticsearch example:

"ddmStructureKey": {
  "store": true,
  "type": "keyword"
"ddmTemplateKey": {
  "store": true,
  "type": "keyword"
"defaultLanguageId": {
  "store": true,
  "type": "keyword"
"description": {
  "store": true,
  "term_vector": "with_positions_offsets",
  "type": "text"
"discussion": {
  "store": true,
  "type": "keyword"

Accessing Custom Fields

When you create a Custom Field with the setting Searchable as Keyword enabled, the custom field is indexed with the backing asset (Blogs Entries, for example). After reindexing it’s also applied to existing entries. The field itself is a text field, named like expando__keyword__custom_fields__Enabled (if you name the field Enabled in the Custom Fields UI), but it contains a nested field mapping for creating a separate raw keyword field.

To use the raw field in the Custom Facet, append .raw to the Custom Field name in the Aggregation Field:


Here’s the query you can run in Kibana to inspect the text field’s mapping (replace the Company Id—20097—in the index name parameter):

GET /liferay-20097/_mapping/field/expando__keyword__custom_fields__Enabled

JSON is returned:

  "liferay-20097" : {
    "mappings" : {
      "expando__keyword__custom_fields__Enabled" : {
        "full_name" : "expando__keyword__custom_fields__Enabled",
        "mapping" : {
          "expando__keyword__custom_fields__Enabled" : {
            "type" : "text",
            "store" : true,
            "fields" : {
              "raw" : {
                "type" : "keyword"
            "analyzer" : "keyword_lowercase"

To see all the raw fields, query the index for *.raw fields:

GET /liferay-20097/_mapping/field/*.raw

Setting a custom field to searchable means that the value of the field is indexed when the entity is modified or when a reindex is triggered. Only java.lang.String fields can be made searchable.

Accessing Nested Fields

Object definition fields and web content structure fields are indexed as nested fields in Elasticsearch.

For Liferay 7.4 U72/GA72+, you can use these fields in a Custom Facet widget’s Aggregation Field configuration. To do this, enter these elements separated by periods:

  • Parent field

  • Name of the field that holds the field name

  • Name of the field that holds the value

This example references an object field:


This example references a web content structure field:


Using Object Definition Fields in the Custom Facet

7.4 U72+/GA72+

To find object definition fields in existing documents in the index, use the Display Results in Document Form setting in the Search Results widget.

The document has a nestedFieldArray field with nested content:

"nestedFieldArray" : [
     "fieldName" : "lastAcessed",
     "valueFieldName" : "value_date",
     "value_date" : "20230502000000"
     "fieldName" : "immunityType",
     "valueFieldName" : "value_keyword",
     "value_keyword" : "diplomatic"
     "fieldName" : "randomNumber",
     "valueFieldName" : "value_integer",
     "value_integer" : "19"

To use an object field in a Custom Facet widget’s Aggregation Field configuration, specify the parent field (e.g., nestedFieldArray), the name of the field that holds the field name (e.g., fieldName), and the name of the field that holds the value (e.g., value_date). Use this pattern: nestedFieldArray.[fieldName].[valueFieldName].

For example, you can sort by the lastAccessed date field in the nested array above by entering nestedFieldArray.lastAccessed.value_date.

Using Web Content Structure Fields in the Custom Facet

To find nested web content structure (DDM) fields in existing documents in the index, use the Display Results in Document Form setting in the Search Results widget.

The document has a ddmFieldArray field with nested content:

 "ddmFieldArray" : [
      "ddmFieldName" : "ddm__keyword__40806__Textb5mx_en_US",
      "ddmValueFieldName" : "ddmFieldValueKeyword_en_US",
      "ddmFieldValueKeyword_en_US_String_sortable" : "some text has been entered",
      "ddmFieldValueKeyword_en_US" : "some text has been entered"
      "ddmFieldName" : "ddm__keyword__40806__Selectjdw0_en_US",
      "ddmValueFieldName" : "ddmFieldValueKeyword_en_US",
      "ddmFieldValueKeyword_en_US_String_sortable" : "option 3",
      "ddmFieldValueKeyword_en_US" : "value 3"
      "ddmFieldName" : "ddm__keyword__40806__Boolean15cg_en_US",
      "ddmValueFieldName" : "ddmFieldValueKeyword_en_US",
      "ddmFieldValueKeyword_en_US" : "true",
      "ddmFieldValueKeyword_en_US_String_sortable" : "true"

To use one of these fields in a Custom Facet, enter the ddmFieldName value (e.g., ddm__keyword__40806__Testb5mx_en_US) in the widget’s Aggregation Field.

Depending on your version, nested field storage for DDM fields may be enabled by default for Elasticsearch:

Liferay VersionNested Field Enabled by Default
7.4 all updates
7.3 all updates
DXP 7.2 SP3/FP8+

To change the behavior, use the Enable Legacy Dynamic Data Mapping Index Fields setting in System Settings → Dynamic Data Mapping Indexer.



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