Search Headless APIs

Release Feature

7.4 U88+ and GA88+

You can search with headless APIs using the endpoints at /o/search.

Enabling Search Headless APIs

To enable the search headless API’s endpoints, set its feature flag to true with the Instance Settings → Feature Flags application or a portal property. To enable using a portal properties file, add this to


To enable using an environment variable, add this to your configuration:


The search headless API’s /search POST endpoint moved from beta feature flag to release feature flag in Liferay 7.4 2024.Q3/GA125.

Search Headless API Availability

The search headless API was released behind a beta feature flag in Liferay 7.4 U88/GA88. It was moved to a release feature flag in Liferay DXP 2024.Q3/Portal GA125.

Liferay VersionFeature StatusFeature Flag [Label]
DXP 7.4 U88
Portal 7.4 GA88
Beta Feature✔ [Search Headless API (LPS-179669)]
DXP 2024.Q3+
Portal 7.4 GA125+
Release Feature✔ [Search Headless API (LPS-179669)]



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