Installing Liferay Talend Components



Liferay Talend Connector is deprecated as of Liferay DXP 2024.Q4/Portal GA129 and is scheduled for removal in a future release.

Liferay’s components for Talend Open Studio can import and export data between Liferay DXP/Portal and external systems such as MySQL, SAP, and Salesforce, or even files. To use these components, you must add them to Talend Open Studio.


Installing the Liferay components requires JDK 1.8+, Apache Maven 3.3+, and a local copy of the DXP/Portal code. You’ll also need Talend Open Studio 7.1.1 with Components API v0.25.3 already installed.

Talend Open Studio Configuration

After installing Talend Open Studio, ensure the [TOS_ROOT]/configuration/config.ini file does not set maven.repository=global. If it is present, delete the line or comment it out.

Since Maven has recently deprecated insecure repository connections, include the following script to the [TOS_ROOT]/configuration/maven_user_setting.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <name>Secure Central Mirror Repository</name>

The repository mirror location ensures the m2m plugin can connect securely to the repository.

Building the Talend Components

Before you can install the Talend components, you must run mvn clean install in the modules/etl/talend folder of your local liferay-portal repository.

This generates a jar bundle file in the following directories/folders:

  • talend-definition/target/
  • talend-common/target/
  • talend-runtime/target/

JAR files are also published to these local maven repository folders:

  • $USER_HOME/.m2/repository/com/liferay/com.liferay.talend
  • $USER_HOME/.m2/repository/com/liferay/com.liferay.common
  • $USER_HOME/.m2/repository/com/liferay/com.liferay.talend.definition
  • $USER_HOME/.m2/repository/com/liferay/com.liferay.talend.runtime

The Maven build succeeds only if all tests pass. If you encounter errors, execute mvn clean install -DskipTests in the talend-definition, talend-common, and talend-runtime sub-folders individually. If all builds are successful, return to modules/etl/talend folder and run mvn clean install.

Registering the Components in Talend Studio

Once the Maven build is successful, follow these steps to register the Liferay Components in Talend Open Studio.

  1. Close Talend Open Studio, if open.

  2. Copy the generated com.liferay.talend.definition-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.jar bundle from the liferay-portal/modules/etl/talend/talend-definition/target folder to the [TOS_ROOT]/plugins folder.

  3. Update the osgi.bundles key in the [TOS_ROOT]/configuration/config.ini file to include the newly added definition bundle.

  4. Remove any org.eclipse* files from the [TOS_ROOT]/configuration/ folder.

  5. Copy the com.liferay.talend, com.liferay.talend.common, and com.liferay.talend.runtime folders from your local $USER_HOME/.m2/repository/com/liferay/ folder to your $TOS_ROOT/configuration/.m2/repository/com/liferay/ folder.

  6. Start Talend Open Studio. The Liferay components appear under BusinessLiferay in the Palette tab.

    The components appear under Business → Liferay in the Palette tab.

Updating Liferay Components

If there are changes in the Liferay components codebase, you can update your components to the latest version by repeating the above steps, beginning with Building the Talend Components.

You must also remove and replace old files and folders:

  • Remove the old .jar definition file in the [TOS_ROOT]/plugins folder.
  • Replace the com.liferay.talend, com.liferay.talend.common, and com.liferay.talend.runtime folders in [TOS_ROOT]/configuration/.m2/repository/com/liferay/.

Once the components finish updating, you must update any existing Talend jobs that used the old components. This involves removing the Liferay components from the job and adding them again.


Be sure to document each component’s configurations before replacing them. This helps ensure that your job maintains the same functionality as before.




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