Adding a New Analytics Service

Liferay DXP includes support for Google Analytics and Piwik for analyzing traffic on your site. If you require a different analytics service, you can add it for your site.

Adding the New Analytics Service

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu icon) and go to Control PanelInstance Settings.

  2. Select Analytics under the Platform heading.

  3. Enter the name of any additional service you want to add in the Analytics field provided.

    You can enter additional analytics services through Instance Settings.

Adding the Tracking Code for your Analytics Service

  1. Once you have entered the name, open the Site Menu and go to ConfigurationSettingsAdvancedAnalytics page for the site where you wish to add analytics.


    In Liferay DXP 7.1 and 7.2, navigate to ConfigurationSite SettingsAdvancedAnalytics in the Site Menu.

  2. Copy the JavaScript tracking code provided by your analytics platform into the corresponding field for your service.

    The new analytics service appears under the site's advanced configuration settings.

Now all pages on the selected site contain the tracking script and send analytics data to your analytics platform.



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