Migrating a Plain JavaScript, Billboard JS, JQuery, Metal JS, React, or Vue JS Project to Use Liferay npm Bundler 2.x


The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it’s planned for future removal.

Follow these steps to migrate the framework projects shown below to use liferay-npm-bundler 2.x:

  • plain JavaScript project
  • Billboard.js project
  • JQuery project
  • Metal.js project
  • React project
  • Vue.js project

While Babel is required to transpile your source files, you must remove any Babel preset used for transformations from your project that bundler 1.x imposed. liferay-npm-bundler 2.x handles these transformations by default:

  1. Update the liferay-npm-bundler dependency in your package.json to version 2.x:

      "devDependencies": {
        "liferay-npm-bundler": "^2.0.0",
  2. Remove all liferay-npm-bundler-preset-* dependencies from your package.json because liferay-npm-bundler 2.x includes these by default.

  3. Remove any bundler presets you configured in your .npmbundlerrc file. liferay-npm-bundler 2.x includes one smart preset that handles all frameworks automatically.

  4. Remove the liferay-project preset from your project’s .babelrc file. All that should remain is the es2015 preset shown below:

      "presets": ["es2015"]

    If your project uses React, make sure the react preset remains as well:

      "presets": ["es2015", "react"]
  5. Remove the babel-preset-liferay-project dependency from your package.json.

Awesome! Your project is migrated to use liferay-npm-bundler 2.x.



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