Creating the Role Change Request Object


Consider a Human Resources application that collects employee requests to change Roles within the software engineering department: the Role Change Request App. This app starts with the employee submitting a request form. Processing then proceeds to the Current Manager, then to the Receiving Manager, and finally to Human Resources. At each step a different form is presented, and the object accumulates data. By the end of the process the whole data object is complete.

The Role Change Request object flows through several steps in this Workflow Powered App.

Here you’ll create the backing object, form views, and table views. See Creating the Role Change Request App to create the Workflow Powered App itself.

For detailed instructions on creating App Builder objects, form views, and table views, see Creating a Standard Application. The same object can back a Standard App or a Workflow Powered App. The difference is in how you create the app from the elements of the App Builder framework. You can create the object, form views, and table views from the Objects entry in Applications Menu (Applications Menu) → Applications → App Builder.

Object: Create the object named Role Change Request.

Form: Create the Employee Request form.

Field TypeField LabelOptionsRequiredOther Properties
TextNameNot applicable (NA)NA
TextCurrent Manager’s NameNANA
TextCurrent RoleNANA
Select from ListRequested RoleSupport Engineer
Backend Developer
Frontend Developer
Technical Writer
IT Engineer

Form: Create the Current Manager’s Assessment form.

Field TypeField LabelOptionsRequiredOther Properties
Single SelectionCurrent Manager: Is the Transfer Approved?Yes
Single SelectionDoes the employee exhibit skills and experiences requisite with the requested role?Yes
TextDetail the employee’s skills and characteristics that will make the transfer successfulNAMultiple Lines
TextDetail the employee’s skills and characteristics that might inhibit a successful transferNAMultiple Lines
DateWhen can the transfer occur?NANA

Form: Create the Potential Manager’s Assessment form.

Field TypeField LabelOptionsRequiredOther Properties
Single SelectionReceiving Manager: Is the Transfer Approved?Yes
Single SelectionIs there an available role for the employee?Yes
Single SelectionDo you have concerns about the suitability of the employee?Yes
Single SelectionAre training resources available?Yes
Unnecessary: The employee is already proficient in the subject matter.
TextCommentsNAMultiple LinesNA

Form: Create the HR Assessment form.

Field TypeField LabelOptionsRequiredOther Properties
Single SelectionHR Representative: Is the Transfer Approved?Yes
Single SelectionDoes the transfer require a reassessment of the employee’s benefits?Yes

Table: Create the Role Change Request Master List table.

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6
NameRequested RoleCurrent Manager: Is the Transfer Approved?Receiving Manager: Is the Transfer Approved?HR Representative: Is the Transfer Approved?When can the transfer occur?




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