Overriding Module Language Translations


For Liferay DXP 7.4 U4/Portal 7.4 GA8+, the Language Override tool is the recommended approach.

Overriding language translations in specific applications is similar to overriding global language translations.

Examining Module Language Translations

Liferay DXP 2025.Q1+/Portal GA132+


For early versions of Liferay 7.4, follow the instructions for Overriding Global Language Translations with Language Properties. For earlier versions of Liferay, use Overriding Module Translations.

To override a module’s language translation, you must first gather information about the module in Gogo shell. For example if you wish to override a language translation in the blogs module, grep for the keyword “blogs”. The Gogo command and output might look like this:

g! lb | grep Blogs
418|Active     |   10|Liferay Collaboration - Liferay Blogs - API (1.0.0)|1.0.0
419|Active     |   10|Liferay Blogs API (6.4.5)|6.4.5
420|Active     |   10|Liferay Blogs Item Selector API (4.0.5)|4.0.5
421|Active     |   10|Liferay Blogs Recent Bloggers API (4.0.5)|4.0.5
570|Active     |   10|Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Editor Configuration (4.0.5)|4.0.5
571|Active     |   10|Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Item Selector Web (4.0.5)|4.0.5
572|Active     |   10|Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Web (4.0.9)|4.0.9
573|Resolved   |   10|Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Web Fragment (4.0.6)|4.0.6
671|Active     |   15|Liferay Sharing Blogs (2.0.6)|2.0.6
1126|Active     |   10|Liferay Collaboration - Liferay Blogs - Impl (1.0.0)|1.0.0
1127|Active     |   10|Liferay Blogs Editor Configuration (4.0.8)|4.0.8
1128|Active     |   15|Liferay Blogs Item Selector Web (5.0.9)|5.0.9
1129|Active     |   10|Liferay Blogs Layout Prototype (5.0.8)|5.0.8
1130|Active     |   10|Liferay Blogs Reading Time (3.0.11)|3.0.11
1131|Active     |   15|Liferay Blogs Recent Bloggers Web (5.0.11)|5.0.11
1132|Active     |   10|Liferay Blogs Service (4.0.24)|4.0.24
1133|Active     |   10|Liferay Blogs UAD (5.0.6)|5.0.6
1134|Active     |   15|Liferay Blogs Web (5.0.36)|5.0.36

Take note of the module’s ID number. Use the headers command to get a list of the bundle’s headers. In this case it’s 1134 for the Liferay Blogs Web module.

g! headers 1134
Bundle headers:
Bnd-LastModified = 1601503219290
Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
Bundle-Name = Liferay Blogs Web
Bundle-SymbolicName = com.liferay.blogs.web
Bundle-Vendor = Liferay, Inc.
Bundle-Version = 5.0.36
Web-ContextPath = /blogs-web

Note the Bundle-SymbolicName, Bundle-Version, and the Web-ContextPath. The Web-ContextPath value following the / is the module’s context name.

Use the bundle symbolic name or context name to find the language translations specific to the module. Find the module’s JAR file and examine its language translations. Liferay follows this module JAR file naming convention:

[bundle symbolic name]-[version].jar

For example, the Blogs Web version 5.0.36 module is in com.liferay.blogs.web-5.0.36.jar.

Here’s where to find the module:

The language property files are in the module’s src/main/resources/content folder. Identify the language translations you want to override in the Language[xx_XX].properties files.

Note that the language translations for different languages and locales can be identified by the filename ending. For example, Language_ja.properties is for Japanese.

The example changes the default Add Blog Entry language translation to a custom translation. Now it’s time to deploy it.

Start a new Liferay instance by running

docker run -it -m 8g -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal:

Sign in to Liferay at http://localhost:8080. Use the email address test@liferay.com and the password test. When prompted, change the password to learn.

Then, follow these steps:

  1. Download and unzip liferay-e6u7.zip.

    curl https://resources.learn.liferay.com/dxp/latest/en/liferay-development/liferay-internals/extending-liferay/liferay-e6u7.zip -O
    unzip liferay-e6u7.zip
  2. From the module root, build and deploy.

    cd liferay-e6u7
    ./gradlew deploy -Ddeploy.docker.container.id=$(docker ps -lq)

    This command is the same as copying the deployed jars to /opt/liferay/osgi/modules on the Docker container.

  3. Confirm the deployment in the Liferay Docker container console.

    STARTED com.acme.e6u7.impl_1.0.0 [1650]
  4. Navigate to Content & DataBlogs. Move your cursor over the add icon (Add). The message now shows the custom language translation.

    The custom language translation is now being used.

  5. The tutorial code also includes examples for other locales. For example, use the language selector to select Brazilian Portuguese or Japanese to see the custom language translation. The module overrides language translations for each locale you include in the module.

    A custom language translation is also used for Portuguese and Japanese

Now you can see how the code works.

Create the Language Properties File

First select the translations you wish to override. For example, the tutorial code overrides the Add Blog Entry language translation.

Once you’ve decided which translations to override, create a language properties file in your module’s src/main/resources/content folder. In your file define the translations your way. Make sure the filename matches the locale you wish to override. For example, if Japanese, use Language_ja.properties.

add-blog-entry=E6U7 ブログの追加

Create the Language Resource Bundle

In your module, create a class that extends java.util.ResourceBundle for the locale you’re overriding. Here’s an example resource bundle class for the en_US locale:

@Component(property = "language.id=en_US", service = ResourceBundle.class)
public class E6U7EnglishResourceBundle extends ResourceBundle {

	public Enumeration<String> getKeys() {
		return _resourceBundle.getKeys();

	protected Object handleGetObject(String key) {
		return _resourceBundle.getObject(key);

	private final ResourceBundle _resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
		"content.Language_en_US", UTF8Control.INSTANCE);


The class’s _resourceBundle field is assigned a ResourceBundle. The call to ResourceBundle.getBundle needs two parameters. The content.Language_en_US parameter is the language file’s qualified name with respect to the module’s src/main/resources/content folder. The second parameter is a control that sets the language syntax of the resource bundle. To use language syntax identical to Liferay’s syntax, import Liferay’s com.liferay.portal.kernel.language.UTF8Control class and set the second parameter to UTF8Control.INSTANCE.

The class’s @Component annotation declares it an OSGi ResourceBundle service component. Its language.id property designates it for the en_US locale.

@Component(property = "language.id=en_US", service = ResourceBundle.class)

The class overrides these methods:

handleGetObject: Looks up the translation in the module’s resource bundle (which is based on the module’s language properties file) and returns the key’s value as an Object.

getKeys: Returns an Enumeration of the resource bundle’s keys.

Your resource bundle service component redirects the default language translations to your module’s language translation overrides.

Note: Module language translation overrides for multiple locales require a separate resource bundle class for each locale. For example, the tutorial code has one for English, Japanese, and Portuguese. Each resource bundle must specify its locale in the language.id component property definition and in the language file qualified name parameter. For example, here is what they look like for the Japanese locale.

Component definition:

@Component(property = "language.id=ja", service = ResourceBundle.class)

Resource bundle assignment:

private final ResourceBundle _resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
	"content.Language_ja", UTF8Control.INSTANCE);

Prioritize Your Module’s Resource Bundle

For the target module to use your custom language translations, you must specify your resource bundle in the OSGi manifest header. List your module first to prioritize its resource bundle over the target module resource bundle. This aggregates the two resources together. Here’s an example of our tutorial module com.acme.e6u7.impl prioritizing its resource bundle over the target module com.liferay.blogs.web’s resource bundle:


The example Provide-Capability header has two parts:

  1. liferay.language.resources;module.only=true;resource.bundle.base.name="content.Language" declares that the module provides a resource bundle with the base name content.Language.

  2. The liferay.language.resources;resource.bundle.aggregate:String=... directive specifies the list of bundles with resource bundles to aggregate, the target bundle, the target bundle’s resource bundle name, and this service’s ranking:

    • "(bundle.symbolic.name=com.acme.e6u7.impl),(bundle.symbolic.name=com.liferay.blogs.web)": The service aggregates resource bundles from bundles com.acme.e6u7.impl and com.liferay.blogs.web. Aggregate as many bundles as desired. Listed bundles are prioritized in descending order.

    • bundle.symbolic.name=com.liferay.blogs.web;resource.bundle.base.name="content.Language": Override the com.liferay.blogs.web bundle’s resource bundle named content.Language.

    • module.only=true: These language keys are specific to this module. They may override global translations locally, but other modules sharing them remain unaffected.

    • service.ranking:Long="2": The resource bundle’s service ranking is 2. The OSGi framework applies this service if it outranks all other resource bundle services that target com.liferay.blogs.web’s content.Language resource bundle.

    • servlet.context.name=blogs-web: The target resource bundle is in servlet context blogs-web.


If your override isn’t showing, use Gogo shell to check for competing resource bundle services. It may be that another service outranks yours. To check for competing resource bundle services whose aggregates include com.liferay.blogs.web’s resource bundle, for example, execute this Gogo shell command:

services "(bundle.symbolic.name=com.liferay.blogs.web)"

You can continue to use your language translation override in DXP 7.4+ if the language key name is the same—check the /modules/apps/portal-language/portal-language-lang/src/main/resources/content/Language[_xx_XX].properties file. Optionally, you can simplify your module by removing the ResourceBundle class and replacing the Provide-Capability header in your bnd.bnd file with the header demonstrated in the Overriding Global Language Translations with Language Properties.

Search the results for resource bundle aggregate services whose ranking is higher.

Overriding Module Translations in Earlier Versions

Before Liferay DXP 7.4/Portal 7.4

In earlier versions, module-specific language keys use LanguageExtender instead of LanguageResourcesExtender and Liferay autogenerates the translated keys using liferay.resource.bundle instead of liferay.language.resources. You also don’t use module.only=true. For example,

Bundle-Name: Acme E6U7 Implementation
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.acme.e6u7.impl
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0




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