Ticket Management with Cron Jobs

Use Cron jobs to automate managing tickets. For example, have a job to run at a regular schedule to delete any tickets that have a resolution type of duplicate or done.

Follow the steps to enable and deploy the cron job:

  1. Navigate back to the ticketing system site page. Click Generate a New Ticket a few times until you have at least one ticket that has either a duplicate or done resolution type.

    Verify that you have a ticket that has a duplicate or done resolution type.

  2. Open a command line and run the following command:

    ./gradlew :client-extensions:liferay-ticket-etc-cron:deploy

    Check your logs to verify successful deployment.

  3. Next, run the following command to start the spring boot application:

    ./gradlew :client-extensions:liferay-ticket-etc-cron:bootRun

    The cron job is now running. Check the logs or refresh the ticketing system site page to verify that a ticket has been deleted.

    Refresh the ticketing system site page. Verify that a ticket has been deleted.

Examine the Cron Job Code

This cron job is a microservice type client extension. Specifically, it is a Spring Boot application just like the previous documentation referral system client extension. Therefore, the client-extension.yaml file contains the same assemble block section as well as the oAuthApplicationUserAgent section like before.

The relevant Spring Boot files for the application are contained in the /src folder. A full explanation of the Java code is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but there are a few things to note:

  • The TicketSpringBootApplication.java file does the OAuth authorization.

  • The main logic is found in the TicketCommandLineRunner.java file. If the ticket’s resolution equals duplicate or done, the ticket is deleted.

Congratulations on completing this solutions tutorial on building a custom ticketing system.

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