Authentication Basics

By default, Liferay DXP uses the Sign In widget to authenticate users.


The Sign In widget appears on the default home page at http[s]://[server-name:port]/web/guest/home. If the Sign In widget is unavailable on any page, it can be accessed directly via its URL: http[s]://[server-name:port]/c/portal/login.

The default Liferay home page.

You can configure other methods of authenticating users and/or applications:

Authentication Verifiers can manage authentication for remote applications, and Authentication Pipelines define the ways users are validated by one or several systems.

Sign In Widget Configuration

  1. Open the page that contains the sign in widget in edit mode and click Options (Widget Options icon) in the widget header → Configuration.


    Before Liferay DXP 2025.Q1/Portal GA132, the Configuration option appeared in the widget’s top-right corner.

  2. You can configure several options here.

    • Authentication Type: See Authentication Types for more information.
    • Email From: Set the name and email address for the sender of system-generated emails (includes the password reset notification email).
    • Password Reset Notification: Set the subject and contents of the password reset notification email.
  3. Click Save to apply a new configuration.


Starting from Liferay DXP 2024.Q3/Portal GA125, the Email From and Password Reset Notification settings were removed from the sign in widget through a beta feature flag. They are now available at the instance level. To access these settings, open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and go to Control PanelInstance SettingsEmail. You can find the Email Sender and Password Reset Notification settings here.

Authentication Types

Users can be configured to log in using one of three authentication types:

Authentication TypeDescriptionUsed by Default?
Screen NameDetermined by administrator or user at account creationNo
Email AddressDetermined by administrator or user at account creationYes
User IDAutomatically generated when the account is createdNo

Only one authentication type can be used at a time.

Regardless of the authentication type, users must always enter a password. You can create Password Policies to define password length, password format, expiration periods, and more.

Authentication Type can be configured through the Control Panel or a properties file.

Configuring Authentication Type Through the Control Panel

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel.

  2. Click ConfigurationInstance SettingsPlatformUser Authentication.

  3. Choose an option under the How do users authenticate? selector.

    You can select from three types of authentication.

Configuring Authentication Type Using Properties

To use the file, paste in the below properties and uncomment the desired authentication type:

Using and Configuring the Sign In Widget

The Sign In widget calls the various mechanisms (the portal database, an LDAP server, a SAML identity provider, or any of the ways users can authenticate) that authenticate users. Its behavior can be configured and customized in several ways.

Disabling Guest Account Creation

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel → ConfigurationInstance SettingsPlatformUser Authentication.

  2. Uncheck Allow strangers to create accounts?.

  3. Click Save.

    Guests can't create accounts if this box is unchecked.

Preventing Password Resets

If users should not be able to reset their own passwords, you can configure this from the same screen:

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel → ConfigurationInstance SettingsPlatformUser Authentication.

  2. Uncheck Allow users to request password reset links?.

  3. Click Save.

Disabling the Password Section During Account Creation

Liferay DXP 2023.Q4+/Portal GA92+

If the Allow Custom Password at Account Creation field is unchecked, the password fields are unavailable at the time of account creation from the Sign In widget. This also applies to users invited by email for account creation.

Configuring CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA

Prevent bots from creating and logging into accounts by enabling CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA:

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel → ConfigurationSystem SettingsSecurity ToolsCAPTCHA.

    CAPTCHA is enabled by default.


    By default, Create Account CAPTCHA and Send Password CAPTCHA are enabled. If necessary, enable Message Boards CAPTCHA.

  2. Choose a CAPTCHA engine. By default, Simple CAPTCHA is enabled. You can also select Google’s reCAPTCHA, which requires you configure the external service separately. If you select reCAPTCHA, supply your public and private key from Google.

    1. For Simple CAPTCHA, you can configure the captcha’s height and width. You can also configure Background Producers, Gimpy Renderers, Noise Producers, Text Producers], and Word Renderers.
  3. Click Save when finished.


The DictionaryWordTextProducer was removed from the Simple CAPTCHA Text Producers configuration as it has a higher probability of producing offensive words than completely randomized letter sequences.


Since Liferay DXP 2024.Q1.8/Portal GA120, the Gogo shell and server administration pages (for a site admin) enforce captchas, even if the Maximum Challenges field is set to a negative number. These pages are not available without selecting a captcha engine.

To disable captchas for these pages, add captcha.enforce.disabled=true to your file. You should only do this for testing with Continuous Integration (CI).




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