Liferay’s Cookies

Strictly Necessary Cookies

Cookie NamePurposeDuration
COOKIE_SUPPORTStores the user’s preference (true/false) to store cookies in the browser.365 Days
HIGHLIGHTED_COMMENT_ID_KEYStores the highlighted fragment comment’s ID when entering the page editor from a comment notification.Session
SERVER_IDStores the web server ID to keep the user connected to the same Liferay instance with access to the session and cached data.Session
CONSENT_TYPE_PERFORMANCEStores the end user’s consent option (true/false) for performance cookies to manage performance-related preferences.365 Days
CONSENT_TYPE_FUNCTIONALStores the end user’s consent option (true/false) for functional cookies to remember the user’s preference.365 Days
CONSENT_TYPE_NECESSARYStores the end user’s consent option (true/false) for necessary cookies to ensure essential functionality.365 Days
modalExperienceStateStores the state of the modal when creating a new experience.Session
CONSENT_TYPE_PERSONALIZATIONStores the end user’s consent option (true/false) for personalization cookies to manage personalized content and settings.365 Days
JSESSIONIDStores a unique identifier to maintain the user’s session on the server.Session
com.liferay.commerce.model.CommerceOrder#groupIdStores an order ID to link it to the account the guest creates later.365 Days
COMMERCE_CONTINUE_AS_GUESTStores the user’s preference (true/false) to continue checking out an order as a guest.365 Days a localized success message briefly when a Search Blueprints blueprint or element is saved, so the message can be displayed on a different page.Session
LFR_SESSION_STATE_userIDStores a timestamp and the unencrypted user ID in the cookie name to manage session invalidation or auto-extension when the Remember Me option is enabled.Session
IDStores the encrypted user ID to remember the user’s login details when the Remember Me option is enabled.365 Days
COMPANY_IDStores the company ID to associate the user with an instance.365 Days
connect.sidStores a session ID to identify a single session in the Liferay Cloud backend infrastructure.Session
access_tokenStores a unique access token to identify the logged-in user in the Liferay Cloud console.Session
com.liferay.commerce.model.CommerceOrder#groupIdStores the order ID of the contextual order to use while punching out.Session

Performance Cookies (Statistics)

Cookie NamePurposeDuration
ac_client_channel_idStores the current site’s Channel ID to send to Analytics Cloud.365 Days
ac_client_identityStores the current user’s Analytics Cloud SHA-256 hashed user ID combined with email so users with accounts can be tracked by Analytics Cloud as known individuals.365 Days
ac_message_queue_identityStores an array of identities to send to Analytics Cloud when possible.365 Days
_hjSessionUserStores the user’s Hotjar user ID so Hotjar can track the user’s behavior.365 Days
__zlcmidStores a unique ID to identify the user’s session.1 Year
ac_client_previous_email_address_hashStores the last known user’s SHA-256 hashed email ID to match with the current user to assign events from current session’s anonymous browsing to this user.365 Days
_hjFirstSeenStores a true/false value for Hotjar to determine whether it’s seeing the user for the first time.Session
_gidStores a unique ID to distinguish each user with Google Analytics.1 Day
_gaStores a version number and a unique ID for the user’s browser for tracking with Google Analytics.2 Years
ac_client_contextStores a list of page and user properties to send to Analytics Cloud so event analysis has the necessary context.365 Days
ac_client_batchStores a list of the session’s event IDs to avoid sending duplicate events to Analytics Cloud.365 Days
ac_message_queueStores an array of events to send to Analytics Cloud when possible.365 Days
_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgressStores a true/false value for Hotjar to identify the user’s first page view.30 Minutes
_hjSessionStores session data for Hotjar so requests in the session window are attributes to the same session.30 Minutes
ac_client_storage_versionStores the current version of internal storage settings so the locally stored data structure can be compatible with the current version of the browser.365 Days
ac_client_user_idStores the current user’s Analytics Cloud user ID to track and segment guest users as anonymous individuals.365 Days
_hjIncludedInSessionSampleStores a true/false value for Hotjar to determine whether to include the user’s data in the data sampling defined by the site’s daily session limit.30 Minutes
_hjIncludedInPageviewSampleStores a true/false value for Hotjar to determine whether to include the user’s data in the data sampling defined by the site’s daily page view limit.30 Minutes
_gat_gtag_UA_*Stores a random string value used to limit user requests.1 Minute

Functionality Cookies (Preferences)

Cookie NamePurposeDuration
OAUTH2_REMEMBER_DEVICE_Stores the authorization grant of a registered OAuth2 application to skip the authorization flow from a previously authorized device.Session
LOGINStores the user’s id, screen name, or email address depending on the configured authentication type for Remember Me login.365 Days
SELECTED_CATEGORIES_COOKIE_Stores the selected categories for facilitating adding more than 400 categories in the categories selector popup.20 Seconds
PASSWORDStores the encrypted user password to identify a previously logged in user.365 Days
liferay.cookie.consentStores the end user’s consent option (true/false) for the use of cookies.Forever (Local Storage)
ACCESSIBILITY_SETTING_INCREASED_TEXT_SPACINGStores the value (true/false) of the Increased Text Spacing accessibility menu setting to remember a guest user’s choice.Forever (Local Storage)
maintenanceSeenStores whether the user has frequently dismissed the server maintenance message (true/false) so Analytics Cloud stops displaying it.365 Days
ACCESSIBILITY_SETTING_UNDERLINED_LINKS1Stores the value (true/false) of the Underlined Links accessibility menu setting to remember a guest user’s choice.Forever (Local Storage)
REMEMBER_MEStores the end user’s Remember Me preference (true/false).365 Days
SAML_SSO_SESSION_IDStores the session ID for the user to stay logged in with the SAML Identity Provider.Session
com.liferay.commerce.wish.list.model.CommerceWishList#groupIdStores a wishlist ID appended with the group ID to link them to the account the guest creates later.365 Days
_com_liferay_portal_search_admin_web_portlet_SearchAdminPortlet_userID_hideReindexConfirmationModalStores the value (true/false) of the user’s decision whether to hide the reindex confirmation dialog permanently.Session the open/close state of the Add Query Elements sidebar in Search Blueprints for the user’s convenience.Session
sidebarStores the open/close state of the Analytics Cloud sidebar for the user’s convenience.365 Days
ACCESSIBILITY_SETTING_EXPANDED_TEXTStores the value (true/false) of the Expanded Text accessibility menu setting to remember a guest user’s choice.Forever (Local Storage)
GUEST_LANGUAGE_IDStores the preferred language ID to use when the user’s language ID is not available to display content in the appropriate language.365 Days
userTokenNameStores a unique token to maintain the user session while using token based Single Sign-On.Session
ACCESSIBILITY_SETTING_REDUStores the value (true/false) of the Reduced Motion accessibility menu setting to remember a guest user’s choice.Forever (Local Storage)
SAML_SP_SESSION_KEYStores a randomly generated string for keeping the SAML Service Provider session alive so it can participate in SAML SLO (Single Log Out).Session

Personalization Cookies (Marketing)

Cookie NamePurposeDuration
_com_liferay_layout_content_page_editor_web_internal_portlet_ContentPageEditorPortlet_scrollPositionStores the scroll position for fragments and widget panels in the page editor for the user’s convenience.Session
portlet_com_liferay_site_navigation_admin_web_portlet_SiteNavigationAdminPortlet___selectedMenuItemIdStores the selected item’s ID in the navigation menu administration for the user’s convenience.Session
ab_test_variant_idStores the current experience’s ID to gather information from A/B tests.365 Days
_com_liferay_layout_content_page_editor_web_internal_portlet_ContentPageEditorPortlet__fragments-sidebar_active-tab-idStores the active tab’s ID in fragments and widgets panels for the user’s convenience.Session
portlet_com_liferay_site_navigation_admin_web_portlet_SiteNavigationAdminPortlet___itemAddedStores the scroll position in the navigation menu item admin when a new item is created for the user’s convenience.Session
FRAGMENTS_DISPLAY_STYLE_KEYStores the end user’s display style preference (cards or list) for fragments and widgets panels.Sessoin
portlet_com_liferay_site_navigation_admin_web_portlet_SiteNavigationAdminPortlet___scrollPositionStores the scroll position for the info panel in the navigation menu item admin for the user’s convenience.Session
_com_liferay_layout_content_page_editor_web_internal_portlet_ContentPageEditorPortlet__fragment-collection_collectionId_openStores the open/close state of fragment and widget panels for the user’s convenience.Session
_com_liferay_layout_content_page_editor_web_internal_portlet_ContentPageEditorPortlet_sidebar-widthStores the width of the left sidebar in the page editor for customization.Session
_com_liferay_product_navigation_control_menu_web_portlet_ProductNavigationControlMenuPortlet_active-tab-idStores the selected tab’s ID in the add panel of a widget page for the user’s convenience.Session




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