Working in the 50th Anniversary Publication
The publication template is in place for Clarity’s special events. Now the publication administrator will create the publication, enabling the publication editors to begin working on its content.
Log in with Preston Palmer, a publication administrator in the template and the site administrator:
Email Address:
Password: learn
In the publications bar, click Create New Publication.
Replace the name with 50th Anniversary.
Click Create.
Preston is working in the new publication automatically after it’s created.
Working on the 50th Anniversary Changes
Sign in with Rex Randle. Rex has web content creation permission due to his job, Customer Advocacy Specialist.
Email Address:
Password: learn
Open the Site Menu (
) then click Content & Data → Web Content, and click the Events folder.
Click New → Event and specify
- Title: Clarity is Turning 50!
- Summary: Clarity is turning 50, so let’s celebrate!
- Body: Check out our limited-time only frames! Clarity turned 50, and we’re excited to offer these frames while they last.
- Banner Image: Select the clarity-special-frames image.
Click Submit for Workflow.
Check to see what this looks like in the ongoing publication. Log in again with Preston Palmer, the publication administrator. Open the Review Changes screen from the publications bar.
Click Publish.
You cannot publish the changes until the items in the workflow are first reviewed.
The content manager, Olivia O’Neal, must first review Rex’s new content within the publication.
Log in as Olivia O’Neal.
Email Address:
Password: learn
If it’s not already selected in the publications bar, select the 50th Anniversary publication. Open the publications bar and click Select Publication.
Go to the review screen for the publication, click the user avatar, and select My Workflow Tasks.
All workflow tasks assigned directly to a user appear in the My Workflow Task widget’s Assigned to Me tab.
Click Assigned to My Roles.
Workflow tasks that Olivia O’Neal can claim because she’s part of a role defined in the workflow appear here.
Click the asset’s Actions button (
) and select Assign to Me.
Enter the comment I’ll take this one–Olivia in the Comment text field, then click Done.
Now the task appears in Assigned to Me.
Once the task is assigned the content review proceeds:
Click the name of the pending Clarity is Turning 50! item in My Workflow Tasks. A preview appears, with the review status.
Click Preview (
) to see the event:
Click the back arrow, then click Actions (
) and select Approve.
Enter the comment Looks good! and click Done.
Since the submission is approved and there is only one reviewer in the Single Approver workflow, the task is moved to the Completed section of the Assigned to Me tab. The event can now be published with the other content in support of the 50th anniversary event.
Updating the Master Page in the Publication
Olivia O’Neal is a publication editor as configured in the template, so she can continue working in the publication. First, a new announcement fragment is needed:
Go to Site Menu (
) → Design → Fragments.
Find J2B6 Announcement and click Actions (
) → Make a Copy.
Find J2B6 Announcement (Copy) and click Actions (
) → Rename.
Rename it to 50th Anniversary Announcement.
Click the fragment to open the editor. Edit the HTML:
Replace the entire line that has the text “Save an average of $100 with vision insurance!” with this:
On the next line, change the text
Learn How
toLearn More
Click Publish.
Next, the announcement fragment in the master page must be replaced with the new one. Within the 50th Anniversary publication,
Open the site’s master page, Clarity MP.
In the header, delete the J2B6 Announcement. In its place add K3C7 50th Anniversary Announcement.
Publish the master page, then open the publications bar and click Review Changes. The new fragment being added to the master page is tracked.
Go to Site Menu (
) → Content & Data → Web Content.
Click New → Event and specify
- Title: Clarity is Turning 50!
- Summary: Clarity is turning 50, so let’s celebrate!
- Body: Check out our limited-time only frames! Clarity turned 50, and we’re excited to offer these frames while they last.
- Banner Image: Select the clarity-special-frames image.
Go to Site Menu (
) → Site Builder → Navigation Menus and click Clarity Navigation Menu.
Add an item to the More submenu for the event you just created by clicking Add Child → Web Content Article → Clarity is Turning 50!.
Now the content is ready for the 50th anniversary!
Next: publish the content for the event