Adding the Site’s First Web Content

Now that you have structures and templates for two new types of content, you’re ready to add some articles. Here, add content to the site for both of these types (Event and FAQs).

The site administrator doesn’t add individual content articles. Log out and log back in as your site’s content manager, Olivia O’Neal, before you begin.

Add an Event Article

First, add an event article to announce the Clarity site going live soon.

  1. Navigate to the Site Menu (Site Menu) → Content & DataWeb Content.

  2. Click Add (Add icon) → Event.

    Click Event to add an article with the structure you added previously.

  3. At the top of the page, title the article Clarity Site Going Live Soon.

  4. In the Summary field, enter this text:

    The Clarity Vision Solutions site is under construction, but it will be going live soon!
  5. In the Body field, enter this text:

    The Clarity site is almost ready to go live! For now, it's currently undergoing construction and maintenance. Some features of the site may not be fully in place yet.
    If you have any questions about what's missing, ask us at Thank you!
  6. Click Select beside the Banner Image field, and choose the Clarity logo (clarity-logo.png) you used for the site’s header and footer in the previous module.

    Fill in the same fields you configured when you created the Event structure.

  7. Click Publish at the top of the page.

You’re brought back to the Web Content page, and now you have an Event article. Next, create an article to answer some frequently asked questions.

Create a FAQs Article

  1. While on the Web Content page, click Add (Add icon) → FAQs.

    Click FAQs to add an article with the structure you added previously.

  2. At the top of the page, title the Article “Clarity Site FAQs”.

  3. Click Add (Add icon) at the top-right of the Question Group to create two more sets of questions and answers (for 3 total).

  4. In the first Question field, enter this question:

    I bought my glasses from Clarity previously, but I can't find them on the site. Is Clarity no longer selling them?
  5. In the first Answer field, enter this answer:

    They might only be sold through other retailers now. Try checking our partner websites!
  6. Enter this in the second Question field:

    Where can I find information about new products or changes at Clarity?
  7. Enter this in the second Answer field:

    We will be making a news announcement for any major changes or recalls with Clarity products. Keep an eye on our Announcements page!
  8. Enter this in the third Question field:

    I found a link that isn't working.
  9. Enter this in the third Answer field:

    The site is still undergoing maintenance. Please email  with a screenshot of where you found the broken link, and we'll fix it as soon as we can. Thank you!
  10. In the Properties menu on the right side of the screen, ensure that the second template you added, Collapsible FAQs, is selected.

  11. Click Publish at the top of the page.

Now you have a new article for each of the web content structures you’ve added.

You can populate your site with more content by importing it.

  1. Download and unzip the LAR file with the other web content articles:

    curl -O
  2. Still on the Web Content page, click Options (Options icon) at the top right corner of the page and select Import/Export.

  3. In the modal that opened, select the Import tab.

  4. Click Select File, select the web-content-articles.lar file you downloaded and unzipped, and click Continue.

  5. Use the default settings and click Import.

    To learn more about the import process and its options see Exporting/Importing Widget Data that has a similar import process.

  6. Once the import process is complete, close the modal. All the web content articles, structures, and templates created in this module are imported.

Next, add templates to show your events and FAQs on specific display pages.

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