Creating Account Groups to Offer Specialized Pricing

The administrator, Kyle Klein, wants to create an account group for Platinum Accounts. These are accounts that have a long-standing relationship with Clarity Vision Solutions, and Clarity wants to introduce an additional 5% discount for these accounts. Currently, only Fabulous Frames qualifies as a platinum account, so Kyle will add them to the newly created account group.

Creating a New Account Group

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigate to Control PanelAccount Groups.

  2. Click New and enter Account Group Name as Platinum Accounts.

  3. Click Save.

  4. After saving, go to the Accounts tab at the top.

  5. Click New and select Fabulous Frames.

    Add Fabulous Frames to the Platinum Accounts account group.

  6. Click Assign.

This adds Fabulous Frames to the Platinum Accounts account group.

Creating a Custom Price List for Platinum Accounts

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigate to CommercePrice Lists.

  2. Click Add (Add) and enter the following information:

    Name: Platinum Accounts

    Catalog: Clarity Product Catalog

    Currency: USD

  3. Click Submit.

Configuring the Custom Price List

In the newly opened configuration page,

  1. Go to the Eligibility tab.

  2. Select Specific Account Groups and search for Platinum Accounts.

  3. Click Select next to the account group.

  4. Go to the Price Modifiers tab.

  5. Click New and enter the following information:

    Name: Additional 5% Off

    Target: Catalog

    Modifier: Percentage

  6. Select the newly created price modifier.

  7. Set the Amount to -5 and activate the price modifier using the Active toggle.

    Configure the price modifier.

  8. Click Save.

This creates the new price modifier on the custom price list that’s currently only applicable to Fabulous Frames. They’ll receive a 5% discount on the entire catalog in addition to other available discounts.

Next: Creating Order Types for Bulk and Regular Orders





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