Setting Up Clarity’s Search Pages

Clarity wants site visitors to be able to search for and find content quickly and easily. This is accomplished by creating good navigation and leveraging Liferay’s search features. For example, a customer looking for a pair of eyeglasses or sunglasses should be able to navigate the site to find the type of product they are looking for. The user might search by keyword or use search categories to filter through the list of products. Navigating Clarity’s site should match the visitor’s expectation for good user experience.

At the same time, configuring the look and layout of search results pages should be quick and easy. Fortunately, no development background is required. Liferay provides various out-of-the-box components and search widgets to empower Liferay users to easily design pages and search experiences right from the UI.

Typically, a search results page will contain at a minimum:

  • Search Bar: Where users can enter a search term
  • Search Facets: The various criteria in which results can be filtered (e.g. asset type, categories, tags, etc.)
  • Search Results: The actual results returned by the search query

Follow the exercises below to see how the different search components are set up and used in Clarity’s website.

Exercise: Adding Search Capabilities to the Job Listings Page

As part of improving their recruitment efforts, Clarity wants to implement a search page for open positions. Currently, Clarity’s website includes a wireframed page for this purpose, but it is missing the necessary search widgets to make it functional.

Here you’ll add and configure these widgets as Walter Douglas.

To do this,

  1. Sign in as Walter Douglas.

    • Email:
    • Password: learn
  2. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu), click Page Tree, expand Careers, and click Open Positions

  3. Click Edit (Edit Button).

  4. Open the Fragments and Widgets panel (Fragments and Widgets).

  5. Go to the Widgets tab.

  6. Drag and drop a Search Bar widget into the Banner container, placing it under the Heading fragment.

  7. Select the widget and configure this setting:

    General > FrameMin Width500px

    Next, you’ll add widgets for displaying and filtering search results, as well as defining additional search options.

  8. From the Fragments and Widgets panel, drag and drop a Type Facet widget into the grid’s left dropzone.

  9. Hover over the widget, click Actions (Actions Button) in the top right corner of the widget, and select Configuration.

  10. Use the right arrow button (Right Arrow Button) to remove all asset types except for Web Content Article.

    Configure the asset type to only include web content articles.

    This ensures that only web content articles appear in search results.

  11. Click Save and close the configuration window.

  12. From the Fragments and Widgets panel, drag and drop three Category Facet widgets into the left dropzone of the grid fragment, under the type facet widget.

  13. Hover over the first Category Facet widget, click the Actions button (Actions Button) in the top right corner of the widget, and select Configuration.

  14. For Display Template, select the Clarity Search Category template.

    You can select a display template for the category facet.

  15. For Category Parameter Name, enter a unique value (e.g., category-region).

    Note: Each Category Facet widget must have a unique parameter name to function as expected.

  16. Scroll down and choose Select Vocabularies.

  17. Expand the Clarity Enterprise Website vocabularies and select the Region vocabulary.

    The widget will only show the categories from the Region vocabulary.

  18. Click Save and close the configuration window.

  19. Repeat steps 12-17 for the other category facet widgets, though select different vocabularies for each one:

    • For the second widget, select the Location vocabulary.

    • For the third widget, select the Job Positions vocabulary.

  20. From the Fragments and Widgets panel, drag and drop a Search Results widget into the right dropzone of the grid fragment.

    Important: Ensure you’re using the widget from the Search widget section. Do not use the Commerce Search Results widget.

  21. From the Fragments and Widgets panel, drag and drop a Search Options widget below the grid fragment in the Search Results and Options container.

  22. Hover over the Search Options widget, click Actions (Actions Button) in the top right corner of the widget, and select Configuration.

  23. Check Allow Empty Searches.

  24. Click Save and close the window.

  25. Click Publish.

    You can now search for open job positions.

    Finally, let’s update the Explore Open Positions button in the Careers page to link to the Open Positions page.

  26. Go to the Careers page and begin editing it (Edit Button).

  27. Double click the banner’s Explore Open Positions button to open the configuration side panel for the button’s link element.

  28. In the configuration side panel, go to the Link tab and configure these settings:

    PageOpen Positions
  29. Click Publish.

Now that you’ve added search functionality to Clarity’s open positions page, site visitors can search and filter openings by different categories. You’ll revisit this page in a later exercise to further restrict which web content articles appear in the search results.

Next, you’ll apply these search concepts to Clarity’s product pages.

Exercise: Adding Search Capabilities to Product Pages

Here you’ll take a closer look at the product list page to understand the different Liferay search widgets and how to configure them as Walter Douglas.

To do this,

  1. Go to Clarity’s Product List page. Most of the page is already built with different search widgets.

    The product list page is made up of different widgets.

    The left side module is made up of a search bar widget, a specification facet widget, and an option facet widget. The right side module is made up of a sort widget and a search results widget. Note that the search results widget under the commerce category of widgets is different from the search results widget under the search category of widgets. Only the commerce-related widget returns products.

    Below these two modules, there is a search options widget. If you inspect the configuration of this widget, you will see that Allow Empty Searches is enabled. This setting is enabled so that all available assets are shown without any search queries.

  2. Click Edit (Edit Button) in the Application Bar.

    The page is still missing a category facet widget that would allow visitors to filter by the different types of Clarity products. Let’s go ahead and add that widget.

  3. From the Fragments and Widgets panel, drag and drop a Category Facet widget below the Search Bar in the left dropzone of the grid fragment.

  4. Hover over the new Category Facet widget, click the Actions button (Actions Button) in the top right corner of the widget, and select Configuration.

  5. For Display Template, select the Clarity Search Category template.

  6. Click Save and close the configuration window.

  7. Click Publish.

    Use the category facet widget to filter by product category.

Great! You’ve included a category facet widget on the Product List page, allowing customers to filter their search results by product category.

Next, let’s finish configuring the Open Positions page to only display Job Listings in the search results.

Exercise: Filtering Results with Custom Filters

So far you’ve seen how to filter search results by content type (e.g. blogs, web content, etc.), categories, and specifications. You can also apply custom filters using almost any indexed attribute in your content, such as a web content structure.

In a previous exercise, we limited the search results on the Open Positions page to only display Web Content Articles. However, search results still includes types articles that are not job listings.

Here you’ll use custom filters to search results to job listings as Clarity Admin.

To do this,

  1. Sign in as the Clarity Admin user.

    • Username:
    • Password: learn
  2. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), go to the Applications tab, and click Asset Libraries.

  3. Select the HR library and click Web Content

  4. Go to the Structures tab and copy down the structure’s ID.

    You’ll use this with the Custom Filter widget to limit search results in the Open Positions page.

  5. Go to the Open Positions page and click Edit (Edit Button).

  6. From the Fragments and Widgets panel, drag and drop a Custom Filter widget below the grid fragment in the Search Results and Options container.

  7. Hover over the Custom Filter widget, click Actions (Actions Button) in the top right corner of the widget, and select Configuration.

  8. For Filter Field, enter these values:

    Filter FieldclassTypeId
    Filter ValueThe Structure’s ID
  9. Click Save and close the window.

  10. Click Publish.

    Only job listings should appear in the Search Results.

    The Custom Filter widget limits search results to job listings.

Great! You’ve set a custom filter widget that limits the search results to only display Job Listings web content in the Open Positions page.


Great job! Visitors to Clarity’s site now have a clear and simple way to search for and filter through different products and content. Next, we’ll turn our attention to Liferay blueprints to bring personalization and further customization to the search experience.

Next Up: Personalizing Clarity’s Search Experiences

Additional Resources

See official documentation to learn more about creating effective search pages:



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