Module 7: Content Authoring & Management

Clarity’s Content Management Requirements

Content Management is a broad term used to describe the lifecycle of managing data. In the case of Liferay’s digital experiences, this includes the features you use to

  • Capture, modify, and retrieve the data
  • Govern, publish, and deliver the data as content
  • Collaborate on managing the content with disparate groups across your enterprise

An effective content management system ensures that information is easy to find, up-to-date, and accessible to the right people. It organizes data in logical structures that users can navigate efficiently. Because an organization’s content is often the first point of contact for potential and existing customers, employing a robust content management strategy is critical in building trust and brand loyalty.

Behind the scenes, a content management system streamlines content creation with an intuitive user interface, saves time and resources with automated approval workflows, and facilitates collaboration with version control and transparent knowledge sharing. All of these features empower non-technical users to manage content efficiently and minimize dependence on IT.

A well-organized content library allows organizations to personalize content for specific audience segments, creating targeted campaigns that align with marketing and sales goals. It can be easily scaled to accommodate new information and evolving business needs. Investing in content management can help organizations improve communication, increase operational efficiency, and foster stronger relationships with their customers.


Let’s review Clarity’s specific content management requirements.

Manage reusable digital assets with low technical effort

Clarity wants their digital asset management solution to be accessible to marketing, sales, and legal personnel in addition to IT staff. Employees should be able to create, organize, share, and permission assets with a straightforward interface that integrates with other content management features.

Produce website content with well-defined structures that accelerate development without limiting creativity

Clarity understands the demands of authoring content efficiently for both writers and editors. They want to minimize the time spent on tedious or repetitive tasks so that their IT and Business personnel can focus on creating engaging content.

Prepare product-specific content for B2C provisioning in the future

While Clarity isn’t a business-to-consumer enterprise yet, they know they will eventually want to be one. Their ideal content management solution supports e-commerce features for product management and inventory tracking. It also integrates with other internal and external systems, such as shipping providers and online storefronts.

Improve collaboration and governance in the content publication process with version control and approval workflows

As their enterprise continues to scale, Clarity’s ideal solution needs a robust system for versioning, approving, and collaborating on content. This system supports compliance with corporate governance models along with automated approval workflows for publishing content.

Deliver personalized user experiences to different audience segments

Clarity intends to devote significant resources to optimize how their users interact with their marketing content. To do this, they need a solution that allows them to build dynamic, targeted content experiences based on demographics, location, and other defined rulesets.


Now let’s take a look at how Liferay’s content management features can satisfy Clarity’s business requirements.

Next Up: Managing Clarity’s Digital Assets





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