Clarity’s Users and Permissions Requirements

User management is an important part of any organization’s IT procedures and policies. A robust user management system goes beyond just assigning roles. It empowers you to define granular permissions for various actions, including application functionalities, content creation, and access to sensitive information. This ensures only authorized users can perform specific tasks, safeguarding data throughout the employee lifecycle, especially during crucial stages like onboarding and offboarding.


As a growing organization, Clarity recognizes the need to refine its existing user management processes. Let’s take a closer look at Clarity’s specific user management requirements.

Enable non-technical users to manage users and permissions

Liferay provides robust user management tools for performing key tasks through the UI. Examples include creating and managing users, assigning roles and permissions, managing organizations and user groups, and leveraging accounts. You can even add custom fields and roles through the UI. This means Clarity’s non-technical team members can cover all aspects of managing users without the need for IT staff.

Use granular permissions to assign users necessary platform privileges

Liferay provides granular control over user permissions. Its multi-level system enables users to define permissions not just for the entire platform, but also for specific sites, organizations, libraries, and assets. Also, Liferay permissions are additive instead of subtractive, so users only have the permissions you explicitly assign them. With these features, Clarity can ensure users only have access to the resources and applications necessary to their responsibilities.

Reduce management time and costs through reusable user segments

In Liferay, permissions are not only assignable to roles but also to user groups. If users in a specific group should have the same access and permissions on the platform, it makes sense for them to be grouped together with one set of permissions. Furthermore, user groups can be assigned automatically from user directories, as demonstrated in the previous module. This saves time and energy because new users who authenticate to Liferay don’t need roles or permissions assigned to them, but automatically receive the permissions of their user group.


Now let’s move on to some initial set up we need for Clarity’s team members.

Next Up: Users and Permissions Setup





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