Determining Data Entities

Here you’ll create the Distributor Application object in four steps:

  1. Add the Distributor Application object
  2. Configure the object
  3. Add a custom field
  4. Publish the object

Create the Distributor Application object.

After publishing the object definition, you can practice using the Distributor Application object to create entries.

Adding the Distributor Application Object

  1. Open the Global Menu ( Global Menu ), go to the Control Panel tab, and click Objects.

  2. Click Add ( Add Button ).

  3. Enter these details:

    Field Value
    Label Distributor Application
    Plural Label Distributor Applications
    Object Name DistributorApplication
    Storage Type Default

    Enter a label, plural label, object name, and storage type.

  4. Click Save.

    This creates a draft object definition with these system fields:

    • createDate
    • creator
    • externalReferenceCode
    • id
    • modifiedDate
    • status

    Liferay creates an object draft.

Configuring the Object

Object definitions include configuration options for modifying their general details, behavior, and available features. For example, you can determine how each object’s data is scoped, where users can access it in the UI, and whether to maintain a history of entry events.

Configure Distributor Application as follows:

  1. Begin editing the object definition draft.

  2. Change the definition’s ERC (External Reference Code). Consistent, human-readable ERCs can help you move object definitions between instances and reference them via APIs.

    • Click Edit (Edit Button).
    • Click Save.

    Update the definition's ERC to C_DISTRIBUTOR_APPLICATION.

  3. In the Details tab, configure these settings:

    Field Value
    Entry Display > Title Field ID
    Scope > Scope Company
    Scope > Panel Category Key Control Panel > Object
    Account Restriction > Active False
    Account Restriction > Account Restricted Field N/A
    Configuration > Show Widget True
    Configuration > Enable Categorization True
    Configuration > Enable Comments False
    Configuration > Enable Entry History False

    This configures the Distributor Application to store data by instance and appear in the Global Menu ( Global Menu ) according to its panel category key (i.e., Control Panel → Objects). Additionally, users can add the object to site pages as a widget and assign tags and categories to Distributor Application entries.

  4. Click Save.

Adding a Custom Field

Before you can publish an object definition, it must have at least one field.

  1. Go to the Fields tab.

  2. Click Add ( Add Button ).

  3. Enter these values:

    Field Value
    Label Applicant Name
    Field Name applicantName
    Type Text
    Mandatory True
    Accept Unique Values Only False

    Add these values for the field.

  4. Click Save.

    The new field appears in the Fields tab with the Custom badge.

    Confirm the custom field appears in the Fields tab.

Publishing the Distributor Application Object

When you publish custom objects, Liferay creates a database table for storing data entries. Publishing also registers the object with the OSGi framework, integrates it with Liferay’s core features (e.g., permissions, workflow, headless), and provides a basic user interface.

  1. Go to the object’s Details tab.

  2. Click Publish.

    In the Details tab, click Publish.

This activates Distributor Application and creates a database table with the applicantName field along with the default system fields. See Publishing Object Drafts for more information on what happens during publishing.

Using Distributor Applications

Now that Distributor Application is published, you can begin using it:

  1. Open the Global Menu ( Global Menu ), go to the Control Panel tab, and click Distributor Applications.

    Access the application in the Global Menu under Control Panel > Objects.

  2. Click Add ( Add Button ).

  3. Enter an applicant name and click Save.

  4. Return to the Distributor Applications page to verify successful entry creation.

    Here entries appear in a table that includes the object’s custom field alongside the id, status, and author system fields.

    The application page for Distributor Application uses a default table view.

  5. Click Actions (Actions Button) for the entry and select Delete.

  6. Practice creating, updating, and removing entries before moving forward.

You can also use the REST APIs generated for Distributor Application during publishing to create, edit, query, and remove entries. These APIs are available at the c/distributorapplications path. See Headless Framework Integration for a complete list of available APIs and Custom Object API Basics for an introductory tutorial.

Liferay generates REST APIs for Distributor Application.

Now that the object is defined, you can add more fields to collect the necessary applicant information.

Next: Adding Fields to the Distributor Application Object

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