Pricing Permissions

With Liferay Commerce, you can use permissions to control access to Pricing applications and resources in the Commerce tab of the Global Menu (Global Menu).

Control access to Pricing applications and resources.

You can manage Pricing permissions for user roles under CommercePricing in the Define Permissions tab. Assign permissions individually, or check Action to assign all permissions for an application or resource.

Manage Pricing permissions for user roles in the Define Permissions tab.

Application Permissions

Application permissions grant abilities for an application itself, but do not include related resource permissions.

Pricing includes the following applications:

Price Lists: This application is used to create and manage Price List entities that store Product price entries.

Discounts: This application is used to create and manage Discount entities that modify prices.

Promotions: This application is used to create and manage Promotions, which are entities that store Product price entries that can be applied to a Product in place of its other Price List entries.

Product Groups: This application is used to create and manage Product Group entities.

Tax Categories: This application is used to create and manage categories for applying tax rates to Channel Products and shipping costs. See Creating Tax Categories for more information.

All Pricing applications have the following permissions:

Access in Control PanelAbility to access the application in the Global Menu
ConfigurationAbility to view and set the application’s configuration options
PermissionsAbility to view and modify the application’s permissions
PreferencesAbility to view and set application preferences
ViewAbility to view the application

Resource Permissions

Resource permissions grant specific abilities related to application resources. Some of these permissions grant the ability to perform operations on database entities (i.e., model resources). Others grant the ability to perform resource-related operations in an application context (e.g., the ability to create a new resource entity).

Pricing applications reference the following resources:

Commerce Price List (listed under Price Lists and Product Groups): These permissions grant the ability to perform operations on Price List entities. Price List entities are used to store price entries for Product SKUs. This includes Base Price Lists and custom Price Lists, as well as Base Promotion Lists and custom Promotion Lists. Each list is linked to a single Catalog and has the following configuration options: currency, priority, schedule, eligibility, and price modifiers.

DeleteAbility to delete Price List entities
PermissionsAbility to view and modify permissions for Price List entities
UpdateAbility to modify Price List entities
ViewAbility to view Price List entities

Commerce Price Lists (listed under Price Lists; previously listed under Control Panel > General Permissions): These permissions grant the ability to perform resource-related operations in the Price Lists application.

Add Commerce Price ListAbility to create Price List entities in the Price Lists application
PermissionsAbility to view and modify resource permissions in the Price Lists application

Commerce Discount (listed under Discounts and Product Groups): These permissions grant the ability to perform operations on Discount entities. Discount entities are used to modify prices and can be configured to target the price of Products, Shipments, Subtotals, Totals, or Product Groups. When applied, a Discount modifies the best applicable price for a customer, whether unit or promo.

DeleteAbility to delete Discount entities
PermissionsAbility to view and modify permissions for Discount entities
UpdateAbility to modify Discount entities
ViewAbility to view Discount entities

Commerce Discounts (listed under Discounts; previously listed under Control Panel > General Permissions): These permissions grant the ability to perform resource-related operations in the Discounts application.

Add DiscountAbility to create Discount entities in the Discounts application.
PermissionsAbility to view and modify resource permissions in the Discounts application
View DiscountsAbility to view existing Discount entities in the Discounts application

Commerce Product Group (listed under Product Groups): These permissions grant the ability to perform operations on Product Group entities. Product Group entities are used for grouping related Products so Price Lists and Discounts can be easily applied to them.

DeleteAbility to delete Product Group entities
PermissionsAbility to view and modify permissions for Product Group entities
UpdateAbility to modify Product Group entities
ViewAbility to view Product Group entities

Commerce Pricing (listed under Product Groups and Products; previously listed under Control Panel > General Permissions): These permissions grant the ability to perform resource-related operations in the Product Groups application.

Add Commerce Pricing ClassAbility to create Pricing Class entities in the Product Groups application
PermissionsAbility to view and modify resource permissions in the Product Groups application

Commerce Taxes (listed under Tax Categories; previously listed under Control Panel > General Permissions): These permissions grant the ability to perform resource-related operations in the Tax Categories application.

Manage Tax CategoriesAbility to manage Tax Category entities in the Tax Categories application
PermissionsAbility to view and modify resource permissions in the Tax Categories application



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