Adding Organizations to Accounts

Organizations can be added to an Account to simplify the management and administration of accounts. To learn more about using Organizations with Accounts see Using Organizations to Create a Sales Network.

There are two ways to add an existing organization to an account: 1) using the Account Management widget and 2) through the Control Panel. Access to the Control Panel is typically restricted to those with administrative permissions for the store or installation.

Using the Account Management Widget

  1. Click the left Navigation Menu → Account Management.

  2. Click on an account (for example South Bay Auto Parts Distributors).

  3. Click the Add Organizations button.

    Add Organizations Button

  4. Enter a valid Organization or select one from the list (for example, Italy - South).

    Add Organization with the Widget

  5. Click Add Organization.

The organization has been added to the account using the Account Management Widget.

Using the Control Panel

Users who have administrative permissions for the store or installation may create and update account information in the Control Panel.

  1. Navigate to the Global Menu Applications Menu iconControl Panel.

  2. Click Accounts.

    Navigate to the Global Menu to access the Accounts menu.

  3. Click Organizations on the left.

  4. Click the (+) button to add a new organization.

  5. Check the boxes for all the organizations to be added (for example, Italy - South).

  6. Click Add.

    Adding Organization in the Control Panel

The organization has been added to the account using the Control Panel.

Liferay Commerce 2.1 and Below

Users who have administrative permissions for the store or installation may create and update account information in the Control Panel.

  1. Navigate to the Control PanelUsersAccounts.

  2. Click on an account (for example South Bay Auto Parts Distributors).

  3. Click Organizations on the left.

  4. Click the (+) button to add a new organization.

  5. Check the boxes for all the organizations to be added (for example, Italy - South).

  6. Click Add.

    Adding Organization in the Control Panel

The organization has been added to the account using the Control Panel.




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