Configuring Countries and Regions

By default, Liferay includes over 240 countries, but you can add countries if needed. When adding or editing countries, you can add states, provinces, or other administrative regions for use with shipping addresses. Also, you can determine which countries are available for each channel or deactivate countries altogether.

Adding Countries

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), go to the Commerce tab, and click Countries.

  2. Click Add (Add Button).

  3. Enter these details for the country.

    Field Description
    Name Country name
    Billing Allowed Enable/Disable the country in the Country drop-down for billing address
    Shipping Allowed Enable/Disable the country in the Country drop-down for shipping address
    Two-Letter ISO Code Two letter ISO code per ISO-3166-2 standard
    Three-Letter ISO Code Three letter ISO code per ISO-3166-2 standard
    Number Numeric code per ISO-3166-2 standard
    Subject to VAT Determine if the country is subject to VAT
    Position Determine the country’s sort order in the Country drop-down
    Active Enable/Disable the country

    Enter the required information to add a country to your Liferay instance.

  4. Click Save.

Adding Regions

You can add details to countries in Liferay. To do this,

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), go to the Commerce tab, and click Countries.

  2. Begin editing a country and go to the Regions tab.

  3. Click the Add button (Add Button).

  4. Enter these details:

    Field Description
    Name Region’s name
    Code ISO-3166-2 code for identifying the region
    Position Determines the region’s priority in the Regions drop-down menu on the Shipping Address page

    This example adds the Leinster region to Ireland.

    Enter a name, code, and position for the region.

  5. Toggle Active.

  6. Click Save.

The region is now available for the country when entering a shipping address.

In this example, Leinster appears in the list of regions for Ireland on the Shipping Address page.

Leinster appears as a region in the drop-down while checking out.

Filtering Channels for Countries

You may want to restrict some countries in different channels. To do this,

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), go to the Commerce tab, and click Countries.

  2. Edit a country and go to the Channels tab.

  3. Toggle Enable filter channels.

    Toggle Enable filter channels and select the channels you want to disable the country for.

  4. Select the channels for which the country is unavailable during checkout.

  5. Click Save.

During checkout, the country does not appear in the Country drop-down for the selected channels.

Deactivating a Country for Billing or Shipping

For some stores, you may need to deactivate a country for shipping or billing purposes. To do this,

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), go to the Commerce tab, and click Countries.

  2. Edit a country.

  3. Toggle Billing Allowed to disable it for billing.

  4. Toggle Shipping Allowed to disable it for shipping.

    Toggle Billing Allowed and Shipping Allowed.

  5. Click Save.

The country is no longer available for billing and shipping. To completely remove a country as an option, toggle Active to disable it.





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