Using the Minium 4 Theme

Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal GA129+

To use the CSS styles from Minium 4, you can install the Minium theme from the Liferay Marketplace. This contains a CSS client extension.

  1. Go to the Liferay Marketplace and search for Minium Theme.

  2. Click Get App, select your account or create one, and accept the end user license agreement and terms of service.

  3. Click Continue.

  4. Select a project from the ones available to you.

  5. Click Get App.

  6. Click Go to My Apps.

  7. Select the app and go to App Provisioning.

  8. Click Actions (Actions icon) → Install.

  9. Select a project and click Continue. Note that projects without enough resources are disabled.

  10. Choose an environment and click Install.

  11. Once installation is complete, you can apply it to your Liferay site or specific pages. Go to your Liferay instance and open the Site Menu (Site Menu icon).

  12. Navigate to Site BuilderPages.

  13. Click the gear (Gear icon) icon next to Public Pages.

  14. Scroll down to CSS Client Extensions and click Add CSS Client Extension.

  15. Select Liferay Commerce Minium 4 Global CSS.

  16. Click Add.

This adds the CSS client extension to all your public pages. To add it to a specific page,

  1. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu icon) and navigate to Site BuilderPages.

  2. Select a page. This opens the page in edit mode.

  3. In the sidebar, navigate to the Page Design Options menu ( Page Design Options icon ) and click the Configuration icon (Configuration icon) at the top of the menu.

  4. Scroll down to CSS Client Extensions and click Add CSS Client Extension.

  5. Select Liferay Commerce Minium 4 Global CSS.

  6. Click Add.




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