Using the Commerce Classic Site Initializer
Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal GA129+
A Site Initializer bundles together pages, content, and configurations to help you jump-start a new site with much of the site already built. You can reuse them across multiple Liferay instances to replicate the essential components of your sites quickly. The new Commerce Classic Site Initializer comes with the following pages out-of-the-box:
- Catalog
- Product Details
- Checkout
- Compare
- Order Pages
- Search
- Returns
- Account Management
- Lists (for wishlists)
You can edit the look and feel, layout, and contents of each of these pages to adapt them to your requirements.
Currently, this feature is behind a beta feature flag (LPD-20379).
Adding the Commerce Classic Site
Open the Global Menu (
) and navigate to Control Panel → Sites.
Click New and choose Commerce Classic.
Enter a name and click Add.
This adds the new site. To access it, open the Global Menu () and choose Classic from the Sites section on the right side.