Introduction to Shipments

You can create Shipments when an order is in the processing stage. Once you create a shipment, you are taken to the Shipments page where you can manage shipments and finish processing the order.


A single shipment may contain multiple orders, but the same account must create all the orders contained in the shipment.

To create a shipment,

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and go to CommerceOrders.

  2. Select an order that is in the Processing status.

  3. Click Create Shipment.

    Click on Create Shipment for an order that is in the processing stage.

This takes you to the Shipments page where you can finish processing the order. There are four stages for a shipment.

  • Processing
  • Ready to Ship
  • Shipped
  • Delivered

Starting with Liferay DXP 7.4 U30/GA30, each shipment has an external reference code (ERC) displayed under the shipment ID. Click the Edit button (Edit button) to change the default value.


Click Finish Processing after selecting the items in the shipment and quantities from their source warehouse. The order is ready to ship now. You can also view additional details such as the carrier, tracking number, shipping method, tracking URL, addresses, and estimated delivery and shipping dates here.

You can finish processing after selecting the items in the order and their source warehouse.


Starting with Liferay DXP 7.4 U35/GA35, each item in the shipment also has an external reference code (ERC) associated with it. You can change this by clicking on the item and entering a value for the External Reference Code field.

Ready to Ship

Now you can confirm all the details of the shipment. Once confirmed, click Ship to ship the order. This also moves the order’s status from Processing to Shipped.

You can confirm all the details of the shipment before shipping the order.


After shipping the order, both the order and the shipment move to the Shipped status. Upon delivery, you can click the Deliver button to mark the shipment as Delivered.

After shipping the order, the shipment moves to the Shipped status.


All the stages of a shipment are complete upon confirmation of delivery.

When delivery is confirmed, all shipment stages are marked complete.

After delivery, the order moves to the Completed status. See the Shipments Management Reference Guide to learn more about the specific features and fields.

The order moves to the Completed status after delivery.

Liferay Commerce 2.1 and Below

Commerce 2.1 is virtually identical to the latest version, except that you access the Orders menu via the Control Panel. Select an order with the processing status and click Create Shipment.

See the Shipments Management Reference Guide to learn more about the specific features and fields.

Liferay Commerce 2.0 and Below

Store managers use the Shipments menu to create and track a shipment after receiving an order.

Navigate to the Control PanelCommerceShipments.

You can create and track Shipments from the Shipments Menu.

The Shipments menu displays all created shipments in all statuses. Click Add (add-icon) to add a new shipment.

Clicking on a particular shipment number (for example, 41250) displays the shipment’s Details tab and the Items tab. Clicking the Order Number (41241) shows the Orders menu.


The Shipment Details tab contains the following information:

Shipment Details Menu

Field Description
Name Name of the Buyer
Description Description field
Street 1 Shipping address’ first line
Street 2 Shipping address’ second line
Street 3 Shipping address’ third line
City Shipping address’ city
Postal Code Shipping address’ postal code
Country Shipping address’ country
Region Shipping address’ state or province
Carrier Name of the carrier
Tracking Number Shipment’s tracking number generated by the carrier
Shipment Status Drop-down menu with the options: Processing, Ready to be Shipped, Shipped, and Delivered
Shipping Date Date of shipment delivery to the carrier
Expected Delivery Date Expected arrival date of the shipment


The Shipment Items Tab contains the following information:

View all the items in the shipment under the Shipment Items Tab.

Field Description
SKU SKU Number
Name Name of the item
Quantity Number of items in the shipment
Warehouse Name of the warehouse sourcing the shipment

Clicking Add (Add icon) opens a window where you can add more items to the order.





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