4.0 Breaking Changes

This document presents a chronological list of changes that break existing functionality, APIs, or contracts with third party Liferay Commerce developers or users in Commerce 4.0. We try our best to minimize these disruptions, but sometimes they are unavoidable.

Here are some of the types of changes documented in this file:

  • Functionality that is removed or replaced

  • API incompatibilities: Changes to public Java or JavaScript APIs

  • Changes to context variables available to templates

  • Changes in CSS classes available to Liferay themes and portlets

  • Configuration changes: Changes in configuration files, like com.liferay.commerce.*.cfg etc.

  • Execution requirements: Java version, JEE Version, browser versions, etc.

  • Deprecations or end of support: For example, warning that a certain feature or API will be dropped in an upcoming version.

  • Recommendations: For example, recommending using a newly introduced API that replaces an old API, in spite of the old API being kept in Liferay Portal for backwards compatibility.

Destination Names Changed

What changed?

The prefix commerce_ has been added to the Commerce destinations defined in com.liferay.commerce.constants.CommerceDestinationNames:

  • liferay/commerce_order_status;

  • liferay/commerce_payment_status;

  • liferay/commerce_order_status;

  • liferay/commerce_payment_status;

  • liferay/commerce_subscription_status.

Who is affected?

Anyone who references or uses these destinations.

How should I update my code?

Update any explicit reference to Commerce destinations with the new names.

Why was this change made?

This change introduces Liferay’s naming pattern for the Commerce destinations.

Destination Names Changed

What changed?

Rearrangement of methods that reference the externalReferenceCode.

Classes with updated methods:

  • com.liferay.commerce.inventory.service.CommerceInventoryWarehouseLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.inventory.service.CommerceInventoryWarehouseService

  • com.liferay.commerce.price.list.service.CommercePriceEntryLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.price.list.service.CommercePriceEntryService

  • com.liferay.commerce.price.list.service.CommercePriceListLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.price.list.service.CommercePriceListService

  • com.liferay.commerce.price.list.service.CommerceTierPriceEntryLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.price.list.service.CommerceTierPriceEntryService

  • com.liferay.commerce.pricing.service.CommercePriceModifierLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.pricing.service.CommercePriceModifierService

  • com.liferay.commerce.pricing.service.CommercePricingClassLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.pricing.service.CommercePricingClassService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CommerceCatalogLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CommerceCatalogService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CommerceChannelLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CommerceChannelService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPAttachmentFileEntryLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPAttachmentFileEntryService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPDefinitionLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPDefinitionService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPInstanceLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPInstanceService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPOptionLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPOptionService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPOptionValueLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CPOptionValueService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CProductLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.product.service.CProductService

  • com.liferay.commerce.service.CommerceAddressLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.service.CommerceAddressService

  • com.liferay.commerce.service.CommerceOrderItemLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.service.CommerceOrderItemService

  • com.liferay.commerce.service.CommerceOrderLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.service.CommerceOrderNoteLocalService

  • com.liferay.commerce.service.CommerceOrderNoteService

  • com.liferay.commerce.service.CommerceOrderService

Who is affected?

Anyone who references or uses methods from these classes.

How should I update my code?

Update methods to use the new corresponding method.

Why was this change made?

This change was introduced to follow Liferay source formatting.

MiniCart Component Extensibility

What changed?

  • The MiniCart Tag and FE React Component have been extended to support partial and total replacement of its component views and labels and have some of its features configurable, either via standard Tag attribute, or via direct import of the JS implementation.

    • The exposed MiniCartTag attributes changed.

    • The commerce-frontend-js module is now exposed with a proper interface to allow a controlled access and exposure of its content (and in particular, of the MiniCartContext which is needed for MiniCart integration).

    • Usability and extensibility of the MiniCart component is documented here.

Who is affected?

Developers relying or extending the old MiniCartTag.

Why was this change made?

Alignment with Liferay DXP standards to support component extensibility.

CommerceCountry and CommerceRegion Removed

What changed?

  • The CommerceCountry and CommerceRegion tables have been removed from the database.

  • Service and persistence classes for CommerceCountry and CommerceRegion have been removed.

  • References to com.liferay.commerce.model.CommerceCountry and com.liferay.commerce.model.CommerceRegion have been replaced by com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Country and com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Region.

  • Foreign keys that references CommerceCountry and CommerceRegion have been renamed from commerceCountryId and commerceRegionId to countryId and regionId respectively. Tables that have columns that were updated are

    • CommerceAddress

    • CommerceAddressRestriction

    • CommerceShippingFixedOptionRel

    • CommerceTaxFixedRateAddressRel

    • com.liferay.commerce.country.CommerceCountryManager is added for retrieving Commerce-specific countries. Available methods are:

    • getBillingCountries

    • getBillingCountriesByChannelId

    • getShippingCountries

    • getShippingCountriesByChannelId

    • getWarehouseCountries

Who is affected?

Anyone who references or uses these models and services.

How should I update my code?

Update any explicit reference to CommerceCountry and/or CommerceRegion with the new corresponding models and services.

Why was this change made?

This change removes duplicate models and services in Liferay Portal.

Mini Compare Widget + Mini Compare Component

What changed?

  • Migration of the MiniCompare FE implementation from JSP/vanilla JavaScript to React (in commerce-frontend-js). It’s loaded directly from the same JSP source in commerce-product-content-web.

  • CP Definition ID’s are now stored in and eventually read from a cookie, instead of using the session.

  • Refactored the CompareCheckboxTag to render via JSP. The JSP in turn renders the CompareCheckbox React component.

    • Deprecated and removed the old Soy/MetalJS implementation of the CompareCheckbox in the commerce-frontend-taglib module.

Who is affected?

Developers relying or extending the old implementation of the MiniCompare component/widget.

Why was this change made?

  • Due to Soy/MetalJS deprecation

  • To align with Liferay DXP to support Liferay Classic Theme in Commerce, paving way for future DXP WEM integration.

Revamped Account Selector

What changed?

  • Refactored the AccountSelectorTag to render via JSP and extend it from the IncludeTag. The JSP hydrates and renders the AccountSelector React component migrated from Soy/MetalJS.

  • Renamed the event names to notify other components about Account/Order changes communicated during the runtime life cycle via the Commerce Headless API.

Who is affected?

Developers who rely or extend the old Soy/MetalJS component with its related Tag.

Why was this change made?

  • Due to Soy/MetalJS deprecation

  • To align with Liferay DXP to support Liferay Classic Theme in Commerce, paving way for future DXP WEM integration.

Product Card and Product Rendering Strategies in Storefront

What changed?

  • The Product Card component is now ported to a JSP template to display product information. It hydrates and renders via CPContentListRendererCPContentListEntryRenderer.

    • The Product Publisher, Search Results, Compare widgets now use these rendering strategies.

    • Commerce Theme Minium Site Initializer is now configured to use these rendering strategies.

    • The implementation now resides in the commerce-product-content-web module and is extensible through CPContentRenderer override, JSP override, or Liferay Dynamic Include.

    • Deprecated and removed The old Soy/MetalJS implementation of the Product Card in the commerce-frontend-taglib module has been deprecated and removed.

    • The old Minium-specific CPContentRenderer’s in the commerce-theme-minium-impl module have been deprecated and removed.

  • Refactored the AddToCartTag to render via JSP and now extends from the IncludeTag. The JSP in turn renders the AddToCart React component, including the QuantitySelector React component.

    • Deprecated and removed the old Soy/MetalJS implementation of the AddToCartButton in the commerce-frontend-taglib module.

    • Deprecated and removed the old Soy/MetalJS implementation of the QuantitySelector in the commerce-frontend-taglib module.

    • Deprecated and removed the old QuantitySelectorTag in the commerce-frontend-taglib module.

  • The PriceTag has been refactored to render via JSP and now extends from the IncludeTag. The JSP both renders the correctly structured template (for SEO purposes) and eventually renders the Price React component (for user page landing).

    • Deprecated and removed the old Soy/MetalJS implementation of the Price in the commerce-frontend-taglib module.

Who is affected?

Developers relying on or extending:

  • the Minium-specific CP Content Renderers in commerce-theme-minium-impl

  • the Soy/MetalJS AddToCartTag and AddToCartButton*.

  • the Soy/MetalJS QuantitySelectorTag and QuantitySelector*.

  • the Soy/MetalJS PriceTag and Price*.

Why was this change made?

  • Due to Soy/MetalJS deprecation

  • To align with Liferay DXP to support Liferay Classic Theme in Commerce, paving way for future DXP WEM integration.

Standardize Method Names to Use AddOrUpdate vs. Upsert in *ServiceImpl Classes

What changed?

Any methods in Commerce *ServiceImpl classes with the name upsert* are now renamed to addOrUpdate*.

Who is affected?

Developers who are using any *ServiceImpl upsert* methods must use the corresponding methods addOrUpdate*.

Why was this change made?

This change introduces Liferay’s source formatting to the above methods.

BOM Feature Is Replaced by Shop by Diagram Feature

What changed?

Shop by Diagram replaces the BOM feature. This means that the entries Folder and BOM entry do not exist and there is a new Product Type called Diagram.

Who is affected?

Product specialists who must create diagrams for their store don’t need to create products with the Diagram product type.

Why was this change made?

This change fixes BOM issues and better fulfills spare parts use cases.

Remove the Accounts widget so it is no longer a module in Liferay Commerce

What changed?

The Account widget replaces the Commerce Account widget. All instances on an existing running system have been updated.

Who is affected?

  • Developers who have customized the Commerce Account widget and/or used it with site initializers.

  • End users (Account managers) that will use a different widget to manage accounts.

Why was this change made?

This change was necessary to conform with the migration of Commerce Account to Account.

Refactor CommerceOrderLocalServiceImpl

What changed?

  • There are now only three instances of the updateCommerceOrder method, instead of four.

  • Removed the updateCustomFields method.

  • Removed the updateOrderStatus method.

  • Removed the updateTransactionId method.

  • Removed the updateUser method.

Who is affected?

Developers who are calling any of these methods in their code.

How should I update my code?

  • Use the remaining 3 updateCommerceOrder methods as a direct replacement.

  • Use updateCommerceOrder(CommerceOrder commerceOrder) method after setting expandoBridgeAttributes with commerceOrder.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ServiceContext serviceContext) to update the customFields.

  • Use updateCommerceOrder(CommerceOrder commerceOrder) method after setting the orderStatus with commerceOrder.setOrderStatus(int orderStatus) to update the orderStatus.

  • Use updateCommerceOrder(CommerceOrder commerceOrder) method after setting transactionId with commerceOrder.setTransactionId(String transactionId) to update the transactionId.

  • Use updateCommerceOrder(CommerceOrder commerceOrder) method after setting the userId and userName with commerceOrder.setUserId(long userId) and commerceOrder.setUserName(String userName) to update the user information.

Why was this change made?

This change was introduced to clean up the class CommerceOrderLocalServiceImpl.

Refine CommerceOrder in commerce-service service.xml

What changed?

  • Rearrangement of parameters for the addCommerceOrder method in CommerceOrderLocalService and CommerceOrderService.

  • Rearrangement of parameters for the addOrUpdateCommerceOrder method in CommerceOrderLocalService and CommerceOrderService.

  • Rearrangement of parameters for the updateCommerceOrder method in CommerceOrderLocalService and CommerceOrderService.

  • Rearrangement of parameters for the updateCommerceOrderPrices method in CommerceOrderLocalService and CommerceOrderService.

Who is affected?

Developers who are calling any of these methods in their code.

How should I update my code?

  • Verify that parameters are correctly aligned with new addCommerceOrder method(s).

  • Verify that parameters are correctly aligned with new addOrUpdateCommerceOrder method(s).

  • Verify that parameters are correctly aligned with new updateCommerceOrder method(s).

  • Verify that parameters are correctly aligned with new updateCommerceOrderPrices method(s).

Why was this change made?

This change cleans up the entity CommerceOrder in commerce-service service.xml.

Refactor CPContentHelper and CPContentHelperImpl

What changed?

  • Change in signature of method in CPContentHelper.java and CPContentHelperImpl.java:
    • getReplacementCommerceProductFriendlyURL(long cProductId, String cpIntanceUuid, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) to getReplacementCommerceProductFriendlyURL(CPSku cpSku, ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
  • Renamed the getCPAttachmentFileEntries() method in CPContentHelper.java and CPContentHelperImpl.java to getCPMedias()

Who is affected?

This affects any developers referencing or using these methods in their code.

How should I update my code?

Replace any references and usages of the above methods with the new ones.

Why was this change made?

The methods were refactored for better readability, consistency and maintainability.



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