Activating Liferay Commerce Enterprise

Starting with Liferay DXP/Portal 7.3, Commerce ships with all Liferay bundles and Docker containers and doesn’t require a separate installation. However, the process for accessing Commerce’s enterprise features differs depending on the DXP version you’re running. For Liferay DXP 7.4 GA1+, all Commerce modules are enabled by default and ready for use. For DXP 7.3 SP3+, Commerce is activated using a portal property, while earlier versions use a Commerce license file. This property doesn’t affect Liferay Portal bundles/images since they don’t include the enterprise features.


In Liferay 7.4 U48+/GA48+, the portal property for disabling Commerce modules (enterprise.product.commerce.enabled) was removed. Commerce features are now available and supported for all customers with valid DXP 7.4 subscriptions. Disabling Commerce can cause inconsistencies with other Liferay DXP modules.

Disabling Liferay Commerce Enterprise for Liferay DXP 7.4 GA1+

Liferay DXP Subscription Required

For Liferay DXP 7.4 GA1+, all Commerce modules are enabled by default. Users can disable them by setting the enterprise.product.commerce.enabled portal property to false.

Disabling Commerce for Liferay Bundles

If you’re using a Liferay bundle, you can configure the enterprise.product.commerce.enabled property using a file. Simply add the following property to your Liferay server’s file.


After adding the property, restart the Liferay server to apply your changes.

If a file does not already exist, create one in the [Liferay Home] or [User Home] folder.


If you used the Setup Wizard for your bundle, portal properties are set using the file in the [Liferay Home] folder. Since this file takes priority over the file, ensure it doesn’t have a conflicting value for the enterprise.product.commerce.enabled property. See Portal Properties to learn more.

Disabling Commerce for Docker Containers

On a Docker container, you can configure the enterprise.product.commerce.enabled property with a file or with a Docker env variable.

In a file, add this property:


Or use this Docker env variable:


See Configuring Containers for more information.

If successful, the Commerce modules no longer appear in the Global Menu (Global Menu).

Activating Liferay Commerce Enterprise for Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3+

Liferay DXP and Commerce Subscriptions Required

For DXP 7.3 SP3+, activate Commerce by setting the enterprise.product.commerce.enabled portal property to true.

Activating Commerce for Liferay Bundles

You can configure the enterprise.product.commerce.enabled property using a file. Add this property to your Liferay server’s file:


After adding the property, restart the Liferay server to apply your changes.

If a file does not already exist, create one in the [Liferay Home] or [User Home] folder.

Activating Commerce for Docker Containers

If you’re using a Docker container, the enterprise.product.commerce.enabled property can be configured using a file or overridden using a Docker env variable.

To use a file, simply add the following property to a new line:


To override the portal property, use the following Docker env variable:


Verifying Successful Activation

To verify the property was added successfully, start Liferay DXP and open the Global Menu (Global Menu). If successful, you can view and access Commerce modules in the Commerce tab. Alternatively, open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and go to Control PanelServer AdministrationPropertiesPortal Properties. The new property appears with other properties.

Activating Liferay Commerce Enterprise for Liferay DXP 7.1-7.3 FP2

Liferay DXP and Commerce Subscriptions Required

For Liferay DXP 7.1-7.3 FP2, Commerce requires a valid license for use. This license is provided as XML (.xml) activation key and must be deployed to your Liferay server to enable Commerce modules.

Commerce licenses use many of the same parameters as DXP licenses, including product-version, license-type, and expiration-date. However, restrictions based on system resources (e.g., processor cores) or product version are not implemented in Commerce licenses.


Both the DXP and Commerce activation keys must be of the same license-type (e.g., production, developer, or enterprise). A warning is thrown in the server startup log if the license types do not match.

Production licenses also require a matching hostname, IP address, or mac address for validation.

Obtaining Commerce Activation Keys

If you’ve already purchased a Commerce subscription, you can obtain your activation key as a download in one of the following ways:

  • Open a Help Center ticket with the activation key/project administration component.

  • Send a request by email to your regional Provisioning team (i.e., provisioning-[region]

  • Download a Commerce activation key from here.

Deploying Commerce Activation Keys

Once you’ve acquired your XML activation key, you can activate Commerce Enterprise by copying it to your DXP instance’s deploy folder. This process is the same as activating Liferay DXP.


As of Liferay 7.3 SP1, users are no longer required to reindex their instance after activating Commerce.

Deploying to DXP Bundles

Copy your XML file to the ${liferay.home}/deploy folder of your DXP instance. While processing the activation key, Liferay relocates this file to the ${liferay.home}/osgi/modules folder and generates a license file (.li) in the ${liferay.home}/data/license folder. See Activating Liferay DXP for more information.

Deploying to Docker Containers

Copy your XML file to the container’s /opt/liferay/deploy folder. While processing the activation key, Liferay relocates this file to the opt/liferay/osgi/modules folder, and generates a license file (.li) in the opt/liferay/data/license folder. See Providing Files to a Container for more information about deploying files to Docker containers.

Deploying to Liferay Cloud

Copy your key to the liferay/configs/{ENV}/deploy folder in your project’s central Git repository, and commit your changes. Then, trigger a Jenkins build for your Liferay service, and deploy it to the desired project environment. See Updating Services in Liferay PaaS for more information about deploying files to an environment’s Liferay service.


If you’ve purchased Commerce through a Liferay Cloud contract, then the Liferay Cloud team manages the activation key through the cloud infrastructure, and there is no need to manage the key yourself. However, if you are adding Commerce to an existing Liferay Cloud project, you must deploy the license manually.

Verifying Deployment

Verify your key has deployed successfully via the console:

INFO  [][AutoDeployDir:271] Processing activation-key-commercesubscriptiondevelopment-1-developeractivationkeys.xml
INFO  [fileinstall-directory-watcher][LicenseManager:?] Commerce Subscription Development license validation passed
INFO  [fileinstall-directory-watcher][LicenseManager:?] License registered for Commerce Subscription Development

Updating an Expired Commerce Enterprise License

Commerce Enterprise licenses are only valid for a set period of time based on the terms of a user’s subscription. When a license nears expiration (i.e., < 30 days for most licenses, < 7 days for a 30 day license), a warning message appears in Commerce applications for administrators. A license has a 2 day grace period after its given expiration date before it expires.

If a license expires, the Commerce modules remain activated, but are no longer usable in the UI, nor are API calls allowed until the license is updated. A notification appears on Commerce applications for all users, indicating the Commerce application is unavailable. Administrators are asked to update the license, while other users are asked to contact their administrator.

The console also displays an error message during server restart:

ERROR [main][LicenseManager:?] Liferay Commerce license is expired

To reactivate Liferay Commerce Enterprise, first remove the expired files from the server, and then deploy your new key.


You can remove and add activation keys while the server is running.

Updating DXP Bundles

Remove the expired XML key from the ${liferay.home}/osgi/modules folder and the expired license file from the ${liferay.home}/data/license folder. Then, add your new activation key to the ${liferay.home}/deploy folder.

Updating Docker Containers

Remove the expired XML key from the opt/liferay/osgi/modules folder and the expired license file from the opt/liferay/data/licenses folder. Then add your new activation key to the /opt/liferay/deploy folder in your container.

Updating the Liferay Service in Liferay Cloud Projects

The Liferay Cloud team manages both DXP and Commerce licenses, and there is no need for users to update them manually.




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