Using the Publications Toolbar

The Publications Toolbar provides essential information for Publications users, including the name of the current publication or Production if working in the production environment.

The toolbar appears at the top of the screen after enabling Publications, where you can navigate between publications, access production, create new publications, and review changes made in the current publication.

Use the Publications Toolbar to navigate through publications and the production environment.

Displaying Warnings

Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal GA129+


Currently, this feature is behind a release feature flag (LPD-20556). Read Release Feature Flags for more information.

When working with web content, content pages, and documents, the Publications Toolbar displays warnings to manage updates and prevent conflicts.

Liferay DXP 2025.Q1+/Portal GA132+ added warnings for more content items: blogs, wiki pages, bookmarks, forms, knowledge base, message boards, and categories.

Warnings appear next to the toolbar in the following scenarios:

Concurrent Edits: When a user edits a content item in one publication and another user simultaneously edits the same content item in a different publication, the timeline icon appears yellow, indicating a potential conflict.

Production Modifications: If a user in a publication edits an content item that was modified and published in production, the timeline icon appears red, indicating a production conflict.

The toolbar displays warnings if another user is editing the content item in another publication or if it has been modified in production.

Using the Publication Timeline

To view a list of modifications made to entities, click the Publication Timeline (Publication Timeline icon) icon (1).


The publication’s timeline displays all pertinent content items, including those stored in folders.

With the appropriate permissions, access the Actions menu (Actions menu) for a specific modification. The available actions include Edit the Article in Another Publication, Review Changes, Move Changes, or Discard Changes (2).


For content items modified in publications, only users with Edit permissions can access the “Edit in Publication”, “Discard Change”, “Move Change”, and “View Change” options. Users with View permissions can only access the “View Change” option. Users without any permissions can’t access any of those actions.

For content items modified in production, only the View Change option is available.

When several modifications exist, click View More (3) at the bottom of the publication’s timeline to open the View Entity Modification History page, where you can view all modifications, and access the options to Discard Changes, Edit in Publication, Move Changes, or Review Changes.

Access further options through the View Entity Modification History page.

Filtering and Sorting Entities in the View Entity Modification History Page

Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal GA129+

Release Feature Flag (LPD-20556)

To filter modifications, click Filter on the top left of the View Entity Modification History page and select a filter type.

Refine your results by toggling Exclude to specify entries you want to remove from the filter.

Use filters to focus on specific modifications and identify relevant changes quickly.

Choose filter values such as Added, Modified, or Deleted and click Add Filter.

To remove filters, click Remove Filter (Remove Filter icon) or select Reset Filters to see all entries.

Remove filters to view all entries.

You can sort entries by clicking the sorting icon (sorting icon) next to the desired field.

Additionally, adjust the number of items displayed at the bottom of the page by clicking 10 Items and selecting some items: 4, 8, 20, 40, or 60.

Viewing Changes While Working on the Sandbox Mode

Liferay DXP 2024.Q4+/Portal GA129+

Release Feature Flag (LPD-20556)

In Sandbox Only mode, users placed into a publication can select View on Production in the Publications Toolbar to access a read-only production version of a page and compare it with publication changes without affecting production.

View on Production is only available for pages that already exist in production.

A Viewing Production indicator appears in the toolbar. To return to the publication, open the toolbar and select Work on [Publication’s name].

Feature Availability by Version

FeatureLiferay DXP VersionPortal VersionNotes
Concurrent Edits Warnings2024.Q4+GA129+Displays warnings for concurrent edits between publications.
Filter and Sort Modifications in History2024.Q4+GA129+Provides options to filter and sort modifications in the timeline.
Production Modifications Warnings2024.Q4+GA129+Warnings appear when content is modified in production.
Sandbox Mode View on Production2024.Q4+GA129+Enables viewing production content while working in a sandbox.
View Entity Modification History Page2024.Q4+GA129+Displays the history of content modifications with filtering options.
Expanded Warnings for More Content Types2025.Q1+GA132+Adds warnings for blogs, wiki pages, bookmarks, forms, KB, and more.




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