

Liferay DXP is built with security in mind. A variety of standards based authentication methods and integrations can be used to ensure secure access to a site and its resources. Robust role-based access control with permissions gives you fine grained control over what authenticated and unauthenticated users can access, share, or edit. Liferay DXP’s web services also have a multi-layered and configurable approach to security and authorization.

Deployment Approach
PortletMVC4Spring Configuration Files
PortletMVC4Spring Configuration Files A PortletMVC4Spring application has these descriptors, Spring contexts, and properties files in its WEB-INF folder: web.xml → Web application descriptor ...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Client Extensions
Client Extensions Liferay Self-Hosted Liferay SaaS Liferay PaaS Liferay 7.4 When you want to extend Liferay, either by modifying its look and feel or by calling functions outside of Liferay, you...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Instance Settings YAML Configuration Reference
Instance Settings YAML Configuration Reference You can use an instance settings client extension to configure a wide variety of Liferay configurations. Each configuration is referenced by its PID...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Using Spring
Using Spring PortletMVC4Spring is deprecated due to a future migration to Jakarta EE 10. Instead, use client extensions or Liferay Objects if possible. Alternatively, use Liferay's MVC Portlet. ...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Reference PortletMVC4Spring integrates Spring, the Spring Web Framework, and the MVC design pattern with portlet development. As such, it uses configuration files from each of these areas and...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
PortletMVC4Spring Annotations
PortletMVC4Spring Annotations PortletMVC4Spring provides several annotations for mapping requests to controller classes and controller methods. @RenderMapping Annotation Examples The following...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
PortletMVC4Spring Project Anatomy
PortletMVC4Spring Project Anatomy PortletMVC4Spring portlets are packaged in WARs. Liferay provides Maven archetypes for creating projects configured to use JSP/JSPX and Thymeleaf templates. Their...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Using React
Using React Build your own solutions using Liferay and React.
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50




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