

Liferay DXP includes robust e-commerce capabilities. Liferay’s commerce capabilities integrate content management, digital asset management, and comprehensive commerce functionalities, empowering you to deliver diverse online shopping experiences.

Use Liferay’s Commerce features to set up a storefront, add and manage products and catalogs, configure multiple channels for sales, configure multiple forms of payment, and much more.

Deployment Approach
Configuration Form Renderer
Configuration Form Renderer When you create a configuration interface, a configuration UI is automatically generated. But in some cases you want customize the look and feel of the UI. For example,...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Field Options Provider
Field Options Provider You can populate a drop-down list manually in the @Meta.AD annotation of the configuration interface. But you can also populate the option labels and values automatically...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Job Scheduler UI Reference
Job Scheduler UI Reference Liferay Self-Hosted Liferay PaaS Job Scheduler Triggers View, create, and manage Job Scheduler Tasks. The Job Scheduler Triggers tab lists all tasks added to the...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Module Life Cycle
Module Life Cycle In OSGi, all components, Java classes, resources, and descriptors are deployed via modules (OSGi bundles). The MANIFEST.MF file describes the module's physical characteristics,...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
OSGi and Modularity
OSGi and Modularity Modularity makes writing software, especially as a team, fun! Here are some benefits to modular development on Liferay: Liferay's runtime framework is lightweight, fast, and...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
UI Architecture
UI Architecture
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Contributing to Liferay Development
Contributing to Liferay Development The first thing to do in learning to fix bugs or contributing a feature is to become familiar with how to build the system. The Liferay Portal build system now...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50
Understanding the Job Scheduler Framework
Understanding the Job Scheduler Framework Liferay Self-Hosted Liferay PaaS Liferay Job Scheduler is a flexible framework built on top of Liferay's Scheduler Engine. You can use it to add, execute,...
公開日: 2024/11/22 22:50




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