

Liferay DXP includes robust e-commerce capabilities. Liferay’s commerce capabilities integrate content management, digital asset management, and comprehensive commerce functionalities, empowering you to deliver diverse online shopping experiences.

Use Liferay’s Commerce features to set up a storefront, add and manage products and catalogs, configure multiple channels for sales, configure multiple forms of payment, and much more.

Deployment Approach
Creating A Path File
Creating A Path File Test Scenario Write your first path file using the test scenario below: You would like to test that your name does not appear on any article. The steps you...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Default Bundler Loaders
Default Bundler Loaders The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. Several loaders are available for the liferay-npm-bundler by...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
How AMD Loader Configuration is Exported
How AMD Loader Configuration is Exported The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. If you don't understand how Liferay AMD Loader...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
How the Bundler Publishes npm Packages
How the Bundler Publishes npm Packages The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. When you deploy an OSGi bundle with the specified...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
How JavaScript Modules are Formatted for AMD
How JavaScript Modules are Formatted for AMD The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. Liferay AMD Loader is based on the AMD...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Liferay npm Bundler
Liferay npm Bundler The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. The liferay-npm-bundler is a bundler (like Webpack or Browserify) that...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Understanding the npmbundlerrc Structure
Understanding the npmbundlerrc Structure The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. The liferay-npm-bundler is configured via a...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55
Understanding the Liferay npm Bundler Loader
Understanding the Liferay npm Bundler Loader The Liferay npm bundler is deprecated of Liferay 2024.Q4/7.4 GA129, and it's planned for future removal. liferay-npm-bundler's mechanism is inspired...
公開日: 2024/05/09 18:55




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