Search Administration

In Control PanelConfigurationSearch there are three administrative UIs: Connections, Index Actions, and Field Mappings. Connections shows you the search engines your installation is connected to, Index Actions is an interface for reindexing, and Field Mappings display fields mapped from Liferay to your search index.

The Search Administration panel contains three management screens.


Information about the search engine connection(s) is displayed here. For example,

  • Search Engine Vendor: Elasticsearch
  • Client Version: 7.16.3
  • Active Connections: 1
  • Health: Green
  • Connection ID: _REMOTE_
  • Connection Type: Read/Write
  • Cluster Name: LiferayElasticsearchCluster
  • Nodes: 1
  • Node Name: lr-es
  • Node Version: 7.17.21

Index Actions

In Index Actions you can reindex Liferay’s data.

Reindex using the Index Actions user interface.

You can reindex at one of these levels:

Global: reindex all indexes and types, or all spell check dictionaries.

Individual Indexable Types: reindex an indexable type individually.

  1. Open Global Menu → Control Panel → Search and click the Index Actions tab.

  2. [Liferay DXP 2023.Q4+/Portal GA102+] Choose the Reindexing Mode.

    Choose the reindexing mode.

    In Liferay DXP 2023.Q4/Portal GA102+ and later, you can configure the mode of the reindex to avoid search downtime. To learn about the introduced Concurrent and Sync modes, see Reindexing Modes.

  3. [Liferay 7.4] Use the Execution Scope tab to choose the instances to reindex.

    Select the instances to reindex.

    Beginning in Liferay 7.4, you can limit the scope of the reindex actions to specific Virtual Instances.

  4. [Liferay DXP 2023.Q4+/Portal GA102+] Click Execute in the dialog to confirm the reindex.

    Confirm that you'd like to reindex.


Workflow Metrics are reindexed via the application’s dedicated settings menu. In the Global Menu, click Metrics in the Applications → Workflow section, then open the Settings window (Options). See Reindexing Workflow Metrics for more information.

Reindexing All Content

When you reindex all content, all search engine documents in the system and company indexes are dropped and recreated from the database. Elasticsearch’s log prints update_mapping messages:

{"type": "server", "timestamp": "2023-01-10T14:33:04,513Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.c.m.MetadataMappingService", "": "LiferayElasticsearchCluster", "": "lr-es", "message": "[liferay-20097/mc59Scl8TJeuvcDR3y2W-g] update_mapping [LiferayDocumentType]", "cluster.uuid": "QnWxrpxaSUKF2upHDNWKkQ", "": "thpwCzS_TvGgfVxQ-P_l9g"

In Liferay 7.4 U45+/GA45+ and Liferay DXP 7.3 U14+, Liferay’s log reports when the reindex starts and finishes for system and company indexes. For example,

2023-01-09 20:44:17.730 INFO  [liferay/background_task-2][ReindexPortalBackgroundTaskExecutor:57] Start reindexing company 0
2023-01-09 20:44:53.677 INFO  [liferay/background_task-2][ReindexPortalBackgroundTaskExecutor:76] Finished reindexing company 0
2023-01-09 20:44:53.677 INFO  [liferay/background_task-2][ReindexPortalBackgroundTaskExecutor:57] Start reindexing company 20097
2023-01-09 20:45:00.986 INFO  [liferay/background_task-2][ReindexPortalBackgroundTaskExecutor:76] Finished reindexing company 20097

For earlier updates and Liferay Portal 7.3, enable these logging configurations to see similar information:

Logger CategoryLevel

Reindexing Individual Types

When you reindex an individual type (e.g., com.liferay.account.model.AccountEntry), the index documents representing the entities are dropped and recreated from the database. Elasticsearch’s log prints an update_mapping message:

{"type": "server", "timestamp": "2023-01-10T14:38:12,302Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.c.m.MetadataMappingService", "": "LiferayElasticsearchCluster", "": "lr-es", "message": "[liferay-20097/mc59Scl8TJeuvcDR3y2W-g] update_mapping [LiferayDocumentType]", "cluster.uuid": "QnWxrpxaSUKF2upHDNWKkQ", "": "thpwCzS_TvGgfVxQ-P_l9g"

In Liferay 7.4 U45+/GA45+ and Liferay DXP 7.3 U14+, Liferay’s log reports when the reindex starts and finishes. For example,

2023-01-10 14:14:00.840 INFO  [liferay/background_task-2][ReindexSingleIndexerBackgroundTaskExecutor:122] Start reindexing company 20097 for class name com.liferay.account.model.AccountEntry
2023-01-10 14:14:00.907 INFO  [liferay/background_task-2][ReindexSingleIndexerBackgroundTaskExecutor:145] Finished reindexing company 20097 for class name com.liferay.account.model.AccountEntry

Reindexing Spell Check Dictionaries

Reindex the spell check dictionaries every time you reindex all content. When you reindex the spell check dictionaries, the content of Liferay’s dictionary file for each language (e.g., com/liferay/portal/search/dependencies/spellchecker/en_US.txt) is reindexed for the system and company index. Elasticsearch’s log prints an update_mapping message:

{"type": "server", "timestamp": "2023-01-10T14:33:14,991Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.c.m.MetadataMappingService", "": "LiferayElasticsearchCluster", "": "lr-es", "message": "[liferay-0/9ZIx-bT6TyiekzarKELQkA] update_mapping [LiferayDocumentType]", "cluster.uuid": "QnWxrpxaSUKF2upHDNWKkQ", "": "thpwCzS_TvGgfVxQ-P_l9g"  }

In Liferay 7.4 U45+/GA45+ and Liferay DXP 7.3 U14+, Liferay’s log reports when the reindex starts and finishes. For example,

2023-01-10 14:16:34.170 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7][BaseSpellCheckIndexWriter:278] Start indexing dictionary com/liferay/portal/search/dependencies/spellchecker/en_US.txt for company 0
2023-01-10 14:16:41.592 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7][BaseSpellCheckIndexWriter:301] Finished indexing dictionary com/liferay/portal/search/dependencies/spellchecker/en_US.txt for company 0
2023-01-10 14:16:41.593 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7][BaseSpellCheckIndexWriter:278] Start indexing dictionary com/liferay/portal/search/dependencies/spellchecker/es_ES.txt for company 0
2023-01-10 14:16:44.570 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7][BaseSpellCheckIndexWriter:301] Finished indexing dictionary com/liferay/portal/search/dependencies/spellchecker/es_ES.txt for company 0
2023-01-10 14:16:44.571 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7][BaseSpellCheckIndexWriter:278] Start indexing dictionary com/liferay/portal/search/dependencies/spellchecker/en_US.txt for company 20097
2023-01-10 14:16:49.547 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7][BaseSpellCheckIndexWriter:301] Finished indexing dictionary com/liferay/portal/search/dependencies/spellchecker/en_US.txt for company 20097
2023-01-10 14:16:49.548 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7][BaseSpellCheckIndexWriter:278] Start indexing dictionary com/liferay/portal/search/dependencies/spellchecker/es_ES.txt for company 20097
2023-01-10 14:16:52.235 INFO  [http-nio-8080-exec-7][BaseSpellCheckIndexWriter:301] Finished indexing dictionary com/liferay/portal/search/dependencies/spellchecker/es_ES.txt for company 20097

Field Mappings

The Field Mappings tab shows you all field mappings that are effective in the system, by index. Currently, you can view the mappings, copy them, zoom in or out, and view them with a dark theme.

Inspect the field mappings for any index in the Elasticsearch cluster.




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