Assigning Users to Roles

The location of a role’s assignment UI corresponds with the Role’s scope.

Regular Roles

Globally scoped regular roles are available for configuration in the DXP Control Panel.

Permission ScopeAvailable Assignments
Throughout the Virtual Instance (global)User Groups
Individual Users

You can assign Users to a Regular Role in the Assignees tab of the Add/Edit Role form.

  1. Go to Control Panel → Users → Roles, and click on a Regular Role.

  2. In the Assignees tab of the Add/Edit Role form, click the tab for the assignment type you need. Regular Roles are assigned to Users, Sites, Organizations, User Groups, or User Segments.

  3. Click Add Add.

  4. Select the assignees and click Add.

    If assigning a group, all Users assigned to that group inherit the Role.

You can assign a Regular Role to an entire Organization of Users.

Site Roles

You can assign Users to a Site Role in the Memberships section of a Site’s People sub-menu.

Permission ScopeAvailable Assignments
A single SiteUser Groups
Individual Site Members
  1. Go to Site MenuPeopleMemberships.

  2. Click the tab for the membership type you’re assigning the role. Site roles are assigned to users (i.e., individual site members), organizations, or user groups.

  3. Click Actions ACtionsAssign Roles.

  4. Choose the roles to assign and click Done.

    If assigning a group, all users assigned to that group inherit the role.

Assign a site role within the Site Menu's People → Memberships section.


As of Liferay CE 7.3.1 GA2 and Liferay DXP 7.2 SP3+, you can assign site roles to user segments. See Assigning Roles to User Segments for more details.

Organization Roles

You can assign users to an organization role in the Organizations tab of the Users and Organizations Control Panel section.

Permission ScopeAvailable Assignments
A single OrganizationIndividual Users
  1. Go to Control PanelUsersUsers and Organizations, and click on the Organizations tab.

  2. Click Actions Actions for the Organization and choose Assign Organization Roles.

  3. Choose the role to assign and you see the current assignees listed.

  4. To add new assignees, click the Available tab to see the organization members that can be assigned to the role.

  5. Choose the assignees, then click Update Associations.

Assign an organization role within the Organizations section of the Control Panel.

Asset Library Roles

Making role assignments for Asset Libraries is nearly identical to making assignments for Sites: assign users to an asset library role in the Memberships section of the Asset Library’s People sub-menu.

Permission ScopeAvailable Assignments
A single Asset LibraryOrganizations
User Groups
Individual Users
  1. Go to the Asset Library Menu → PeopleMemberships.

  2. Click the tab for the membership type you’re assigning the role. Like sites, Asset libraries are assigned to users (i.e., individual Site members), organizations, or user groups.

  3. Click Actions ActionsAssign Roles.

  4. Choose the roles to assign and click Done.

    If assigning a group, all Users assigned to that group inherit the role.

Assign a Asset Library Role within the Asset Library Menu's People → Memberships section.

Default User Associations

By default, new users receive only the users role, but you can manage the default role associations to add new roles or remove the user assignment.

Permission ScopeAvailable Assignments
Throughout the Virtual Instance (global)All new Users
  1. Navigate to Control PanelConfigurationInstance Settings.

  2. Select the Users category under the PLATFORM section.

  3. Click Default User Associations from the left menu.

  4. Use the regular roles configuration field to enter a comma-separated list of regular roles that all new users should inherit.

Read more in the Default User Associations documentation.

Use Instance Settings to set the default regular roles for all new users.

Assignment is important, but a role isn’t worth the database row it occupies without permissions. Read about defining permissions for a role next.




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